Another whose number was up...


Street Tracker
Lost a friend in a single vehicle accident yesterday. My stepbrothers dad was taking his grandson for a short ride near his home when somewhat of a freak accident occurred. Per the survivor grandson " the kickstand came down in the middle of a curve" which caused "Blu"( Bluford Jones) to be ejected highside, directly (and ironically) into a stop sign. He was killed instantly due to blunt force trauma to the chest/ abdomen. The grandson suffered multiple broken ribs and a sprained wrist, but should recover fully.
Blu was a lifelong rider with LOTS of time in the saddle. He had already survived another bad accident where he incurred major injury and lost half of one of his feet. I'm sure he wasn't riding recklessly, especially with a youngster on board.
He was a friend to many and will be sorely missed by those who knew him best.
Ride safe!



Sorry to hear of it, very sad... leaving the kickstand
down and taking off is one thing, but kickstand coming down mid-corner
- with the tragic result you recounted - is definitely beyond the unexpected. To think one damn broken or worn-out spring might have been the culprit...
funny thing, I always thought the sidestand on my T100
could use just a bit more tension - may just need to do something about that.

Condolences to family & friends.



TT Racer
My sincere condolences to family and friends.

I will hoist a pint in his honor sometime this week.



Street Tracker
As it turns out, the grandson only had a sprained wrist, some bruises, and fireant bites. On another note, Blu had recently been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. Maybe the fact that he died quickly while doing what he loved the most was a better way to go.


Sorry to see a man's life go like that, but after hearing that he had cancer..... I think it may have been providence.


He got what we all could only hope for, dying doing something he loves. My condolonces, and a toast in his honor.


Street Tracker
My condolences.

Not to change the subject, but a good friend and great pitcher died on the mound and although i missed and mourned him, he did die doing what he loved.


Street Tracker
Bummer... Glad to hear the kid's ok tho. I hope to go out the same way some day and not by something as sucky as cancer.


Sad to hear about your friend, may he live on in the many memories of him that his friends will carry all their lives.


Street Tracker
There is a memorial poker run planned for Feb. 21st beginning at Cruisers on Hwy 81 south of Anderson,SC. I don't have all the specifics yet. Proceeds will be donated to the shriners childrens hospital in Greenville,SC. The route will include stops at the Twisted spoke and Hawg Tales and eventually ending at Town and Country in Williamston,SC. These were some of Blu's favorite spots.
I wasn't able to attend the funeral but heard there was a huge turnout. He was an engineer at the Oconee Nuclear Facility, having been an employee there since it was built. There were dozens of Duke Power employees in attendance. A few of his closest friends/ coworkers stated that "nobody knew that facility better" as he had helped design it. Clearly he was a very intelligent man.
A few Hells Angels led the funeral procession. He wasn't a member, but obviously was friends with some of them.
I had a few drinks with my stepbrother tonight. He is taking it very hard. He repeatedly said that he wished something would have prevented him from witnessing the scene. Seeing his father laying there, dead, was very traumatic for him.
For those of you who pray, please say one for Charr. He needs all he can get right now. If any of you can make it for the poker run, that would be a welcome gesture too.
God bless and ride safe!