AMA vintage days- mid Ohio


I went two years ago and again last year, you're gonna love it ! A couple hints, go early in the morning. Rent a golf cart, you have so much to see much of your time is spent walking from one exhibit to the other, if you're riding, all the better, if you're riding a Triumph, go to the Triumph parking area next to their booth, it's smack dab in the middle of the whole thing and is a better choice than parking along the entry road.
Don't miss the huge flea market, also check Triumph out, when you check in they will usually invite you to a tent/dinner thing with live music at some point. Well worth it.
There are many little shady spots surrounding the track for some excellent viewing opportunities, if possible take a chair with you for a relaxing time watching the track.
If you want to test ride, get there way early, the lines get long after about noon and packed with people. Don't miss the "Trials" section....well worth the time.
Have fun, you will remember it a long time....


TT Racer
Koifarm, I went last year and had a blast! We're heading there Thursday evening and camping along the way. Plan to get there early Friday until Sunday. My friend is bringing his Rapido along as a pit bike, can't wait to rip around on that thing all weekend. I'll take some pictures.


Good enough Craigore, glad you are headed there, it's truly a worthwhile visit, looking forward to your pictures...