Almost Killed


Street Tracker
Sal, good to hear that you came out of this unscathed but it does have me thinking that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to start a sticky with safety or riding tips contributed from other members. I can appreciate that probably the majority have a few years and then some of riding experience up their sleeve but there is always something that you may not have of thought of that might one day save your life. What I am mainly thinking of is those amongst us who have just started riding a bike or have been out it for a lot of years and are just coming back that may advantage from everybody else's experienced input.

I think one of the biggest tips would be if you are riding every day to take the time once a week to quickly check the bike over, tyre pressures and condition, chain tension and lube, oil level and brake fluid levels and any leaks, pad condition, lights and just over all general condition and if you ride once every now and then do it before every ride.

If I think about a riding tip that has helped out on many occasions when those pot holes jump out in front is not to try and lean turn around them (which usually only ends up leaning the bike and hitting the pothole) but to flick the bars, pulling on the bar either on the left or right side depending on which side of the object you want to go and swivelling the hips to help quick steer the bike. If you haven't tried it give it a go starting with imaginary things in your path of travel, then to smaller pot holes until eventually it will become just a reaction.

Once again Sal good to hear you are ok. It is amazing how every body who has a near death experience has a dramatic change in the appreciation of life, but holding on to that appreciation and for how long then depends on the individual.

Sal Paradise


Have great time. I am doing the same mental calculation. Just look left one extra time and really watch out on those 8 lane overstressed commuter intersections. You know, the lights with turning lanes and 8,000 cars an hour going through? Maybe route around some of them. Maybe wear some hi vis.

I'm keeping it rural myself.