All Good Things come to an End!


Street Tracker
This may be a bit long, but it comes from the heart:
The Bonne elvolved from the late 50's thru the 70's. During that time there werent many improvements. It was & still is one of the most beautiful motorcycles ever designed! It kinda died a horrible death as did the company.
It was resurected in 2001.From then till 2006, it evolved (despite Govt regs) into what it should have been many years ago! It is still by far one of the most beautiful motorcycles on the road today! There comes a time when all GOOD things must become (remain) a part of history.I feel that time has come for the Bonne as we know it today (scheduled to be done in 09 I think). I have seen many autos, & other "works of art" try to keep the look/ feel. None ever did! I cant bear to see the Bonne get any more compromised than what it is now! Fake carbs, plastic everything! Its time for it to become a classic once more as it is w/o bastardizing it any further! The Govt regs are driving it into the bile of old classics that once were. I think a new Gen II Bonne is in order. A new design (unique like the original) but using new composites, comp tech,
safety features, perf tech (but w/ the parralel twin) & other future tech needed to keep the name alive. A unique design (work of art like the original)
will be the backbone of the Gen II. All bikes (street/road) today all look alike!!
Thats one way the Bonne was unique! It should be that way again!
Any more govt & economy generated compromises on the Bonne are gonna really destroy the uniqueness of the Bonne name! All these crotch rockets & HD look a likes are just that! Triumph needs to get a design team together & re-design the Gen II Bonne & set a new "Beauty/ performance std" for the worlds most beautiful motorcycle! Lets just sum it up & say "Its Time!!" JMO


All very good points Capton but I think they have moved to fuel injection to keep a very good selling motorcycle afloat, one that is also priced well under the competion. theres still a few more bucks in this little triumph success story for a greedy corporation to pull the pin on,( yes theres still to many $$$$ to be made in my opinion..)


I agree, It is time to re-design the Bonnie to become a modern classic.

Triumph needs to embrace the new technology that is being forced upon all manufacturers.

What makes a Bonnie what she is, are her simple classic lines, not the carbs.
Fake carbs are an insult.

Imagine a Black and Red T-100 with Carbon Fiber replacing the plastic fenders and side covers. It would look sharp. There are many other items that can be done in Carbon Fiber.


Interesting thought, Cap. Churning out the same stuff is in part what did Triumph in the last time. But then, what do you do to improve and still make desirable a "classic" design? The company has got to be able to sell them.
Subtle improvements and design changes may do it, but the generation that really dug the bike is aging. Who knows? Twenty years from now there might not be a market to make these machines at all, and the Coventry, Meriden, and Hinckleys will simply be collectables - like so many other machines.
Or...Barack Obama bin Asshole may get elected, and in the ensuing chaos, none of this will matter!:eek:
[The step from motorcycles to politics is only a few key strokes, ain't it?]
Did you see the artist rendering on another thread? I think that's a good start. I agree with you on the current Bonnie as we know it. It's time to do something new before they totally beat the current model further with the proverbial ugly stick.


Street Tracker

Triumph did a good job @ resurecting an old clasic & perfecting it! Then comes the govt w/ all the new req's. That is gonna bring down what they spent the time to perfect. There are somethings you cant make any better (espec w/ the govt on your ass!) W/ all the MV govt req's, its time for the Bonne to evolve into a new future classic!! I think the fake carbs did it!! When you gotta start fakin shit on a true classic- its time to re- invent a new future classic!! Using the parralel twin (uniqure) as a base- imagine what could be created. I am not talkin a crotch rocket or Millwakee iron dino's- a totally new bare true riders motorcycle! Ive got an 04. I think they peaked not long after that! I just can't stand to see such a glorius heritage bastardized any further than it has now! It would be nice to see Triumph make a "Limited Edition" real one under 5000 units w/ would allow them to side step govt reqs w/ all the goodies STD as a final close out! A true glorious sendfoff! I would buy one for sure!! I am sure thet would be sold out as soon as they were announced.They have the technology (eg: the 675).
Imagine the flowing lines on a new design using all the new tech- carbon fiber, elect's etc.. The govt regs will have to be there as w/ all new MV's, but autos & some bikes have done well adapting. Id love to be a fly on the wall in the drawing room!! Imagine a NEW Bonne @ 300 lbs? I hope I am here to see it!!


Did you see the artist rendering on another thread? I think that's a good start. I agree with you on the current Bonnie as we know it. It's time to do something new before they totally beat the current model further with the proverbial ugly stick.

There's an artist's rendering of Barack Obama bin Shitforbrains? I'd like to see that.
I don't think Triumph will stop making Bonnie's until there's a sizeable drop in sales, which could happen by the end of next year (especially if the recession gets worse). But they've complied with all the current govt regs (including Euro 3) so I can't see that killing them off.
I don't mind them continuing on with their retro tribute bikes, no matter what they've got to do to keep them legal. Our bike's have never been replicas of the original Bonnie. & while the Meriden crew think that's a bad thing, it's also one of the main reasons that most of us bought one.
I would like to see Triumph produce a line of modern parralel twins, in the mold of the BMW 800. Where the designers wouldn't be constrained by having to make the bikes look retro. I really couldn't care less what they called them.
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Well, I got mine and I love it.
I care about Triumph's future bikes and I hope they still hit homeruns on whatever new/redesigned models they come up with (saw pics of a new/retro Bonnie here on this site). But.... I won't be shopping for a new bike for a long long time. Why should I?


Street Tracker
New Bonne

I wont be shopping anytime soon as well, but I MIGHT consider buying a LAST limited (real limited/ old style everything Bonne). Real carbs, limited ;pollution shit, maybe Togas, & upgraded suspension etc.. Like we all have been doing to our Bonne's all along! I doubt- unless you know somebody you could get your hands on one! I think it would be a real tribute to a legend!! I got mine & it will probably out live me. Maybe a lottery on geting a "Last Issue Bonne" would be a good intro into the Gen II Bonne? Its time!
I just cant stand to see the Bonne regress into a 2nd rate bike after all its history & heritage just to try to make a buck? I am a musican & I have seen many bands pull the plug & say we did all we can do & its time to go out on a + note. The Bonne was perfected from from the last 70's models to today. It cant go anywhere but down from here. Been sliding for a little while.It can make a NEW mark in history in a new form & make a new place in history now w/o cheapenning it any further. Had a 65 & now an 04. The 04 is a big jump fwd compared to the 65. Hate to see it go from Ferrari to Fiat! I think any Triumph purists will feel the same? Lets hope!!


As a bike guy I agree with you in principle, CAP. But Old Scratch is right. The marketplace will, and probably should, decide the future of the Trumph modern classics.

Whatever you do, hold onto it. There are still purists who favor pre-units and look down their noses at any Triumph made after 1962. You can do the same with your collector's item '04 when they come out with the all plastic Bonneville.


Street Tracker

I agree Rmac! Any more plastic on a once proud Bonne will make wanna puke!! Mine will be w/ me & I may give it to my son if he does a promotion in the USCG? I just hate to see a once classic become an asian plastic POS!
I think the market (now in serious depression) will pass on any more plastic on the classic Bonne? Yeah the price is down there as comped w/ some others, but 7G's will get ya a pretty nice Suzuki Bolavard or some others The draw to the Bonne was that it was (almost ) what what it used to be - but improved!Now trhe improvements are going by the wayside, & there is more pollution crap to deal with (Triumph isnt good dealing w/ that) as in 70's tech, i think it will lose its fizzle fast? Too bad for a once was NICE bike!! We'll se what happens? I assume you got one of the good ones? Hey fuel may make them obsolete some day any way? a museum piece? Enjoy it while you can!!


Two Stroke
Triumph is making some sweet bikes. I trust they will do the right thing. Meanwhile I have my own 2004 BB in the garage. :)
Interesting thought, Cap. Chu...
Or...Barack Obama bin Asshole may get elected, and in the ensuing chaos, none of this will matter!:eek:
[The step from motorcycles to politics is only a few key strokes, ain't it?][/QUOTE

Such a high degree of economic, political ansd environmental chaos has been brought on by the Bushies and Neo-cons that a major change is our only hope.

Step back from the politics and stay with the bikes


Interesting thought, Cap. Chu...
Or...Barack Obama bin Asshole may get elected, and in the ensuing chaos, none of this will matter!:eek:
[The step from motorcycles to politics is only a few key strokes, ain't it?][/QUOTE

Such a high degree of economic, political ansd environmental chaos has been brought on by the Bushies and Neo-cons that a major change is our only hope.

Step back from the politics and stay with the bikes

You plant a thought, political in its nature, to admonish my unabashedly political thought. You do see that, I trust, and there is a word for it. However, I have already addressed my departure from the site's AUP in the Ace Cafe forum where, if you wish, you may go and read it.