8.9 Earthquake and my Triumph (ALL JAPAN DISCUSSIONS HERE)


Having a very big one just now!!! Spoke too soon!

moto...thx very much for the insight. I am sitting here watching CNN. They have a couple of Japanese Americans who have never lived in Japan spouting about the people and the situation. 50% of what you have reported is the opposite of the media report....what I am saying is thx for the truth. I wish the USA fucking media would just go away.
Stay safe.....watch the raddddsssssss


Street Tracker
There is no price gouging or looting and people go about their business in an orderly way. The western media are saying this is because the Japanese are "special" or "different" but the reality is there is almost no poverty here so people are not really ever in need in their normal lives. Most young people live with their parents until they get married including grown men. If they lose their jobs they can always fall back on their families which are wealthy compared to a typical American family. I realized how wealthy they were on the second day I was in Japan back in 1995. It just happened to be the "recyclable garbage" pick-up day. That's the day once every week or two when you throw out anything you don't need and a big truck comes and collects it all from each neighborhood. I looked out the window to see what was happening since the collection point was right outside. There were people throwing away TVs, radios, computers, gas stoves, bicycles, skis, scooters and even a motorcycle!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!

my aunts and uncles all went to college and do well. but my grandparents don't have much beyond the basics. but they also have a simpler lifestyle and live in a small town. my grandmother grows alot of the things we would eat. pretty much just buyin fish and meats. she made her own takuan. i love that stuff. but to look at how she makes it is not so pretty. i dont think she threw away much. they have a building behind the house with all kinda crap in there.

my aunts and uncles all have nicer houses or condos and all the newer gadgets. my mom took after my grandparents for some reason. she had a 95 accord with only 45000miles on it.

sorry for strayin off topic. you just got me thinkin about this stuff.
hang in there and stay safe...

Sal Paradise

That , I think is a joke. Does that mean the top of the reactor is wide open? If they can't even pump water 100 yards from the ocean, they are going to fly it in?

This is being done to make it seem like they are doing something, when in fact they are just waiting, or more likely , too terrified and clueless to do anything. They need to get water into the containment. There has to be a pipe or multiple pipes into it. They have to hook a hose up to the pipe and pump water in. Apparently thats impossible for them and they watch the reactors one after the other overheat and melt. I wonder what General Electric can do for them? Hello? GE ? They went from knowing everything to not answering the phone really quick.

Apparently we are all in this together. Here is the radioactive plume by March 18...Time to go to the supermarket.

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Street Tracker
Well, just had another big earthquake here off the coast of Chiba. Mag.6+
Seems like they hit every night around this time. That's three nights in a row. I am becoming so jaded that I didn't even bother getting off the sofa and just held on to my drink to keep it from spilling.
The situation with the reactors would be comical if it wasn't so serious. I know most people think of Japan as being some orderly, intelligent place but this past few days should put that myth to rest once and for all. The nuke people here have been given a free ride from the gov't for a long time even tho they have been responsible for all sorts of accidents in the past, most of which they have never reported. Now the results of this cozy, corrupt relationship with the gov't and regulators/inspectors has been well and truly exposed. Unfortunately, if the shit really hits the fan (and I think it will) it will not only affect Japan but other countries as well as Sal has pointed out. I don't think the Keystone Cops here can really do anything else other than keep dumping water on the reactors and the containment ponds which are apparently cracked anyways. I'm hopeful that they can get it sorted but it is obvious from the statements today put out by the US gov't that all US citizens should evac from an 80km zone around the reactor site shows how unrealistic and untruthful the Japanese have been regarding the seriousness of the problem. There are still thousands of people within the 20km zone and I am quite sure the gov't here doesnt give a shit about them. Now people are finally figuring that out. The word here seems to be moving in the direction that the Americans care more for the Japanese people than their own government. The locals always make fun of me because I am so cynical about the gov't (US and Japan) but I think now they can understand why I have so little faith in governments and politicians.
Incidentally, my school expects all of our 2000 students to report for classes on Saturday even tho we are less than 100 miles from the accident site. They are still living in a dreamworld. I sent my boss the links to the radiation measuring sites for Ibaraki prefecture where the school is located and he was shocked. It was the first time he had even heard that there was a significant problem in our area (radiation levels were 100 times higher than normal on Monday and Tuesday). He said that he would show it to the big shots at school tomorrow (all Japanese teachers have been going to school everyday even though there are no students there - mindless obedience is the name of the game here) and try to convince them of the dangers. I'm sure they will ignore it because the gov't tells them there isn't a problem and, according to my boss, they need the students to clean the school! Of course, no qualified people have even inspected the school to see if it is safe to use even tho bits and pieces have fallen off and one wall was teetering on collapse! Even the door frames have buckled! Safety really is a joke here! Most buildings are death traps because emergency doors are either locked or blocked or non-existent. Go to a shopping mall and it is like a maze with multiple basement floors and no way to find your way out in an emergency. Of course, the gov't has rules about safety but since nobody inspects and reports violations, the gov't can say everything is ok. No inspections = no violations = no problems! This is why we have a bunch of guys trying to cool down reactors by dumping water on them from helicopters....
No inspections = no violations = no problems!


Street Tracker
An update for anyone who is interested.
This radiation shit is all over the place especially where I live so it is hard to decide what is safe and what isnt. Basically everything is covered in fallout so nothing is safe to eat or drink unless it has been imported. Restaurants are now on limited menus and bottled water cannot be found anywhere. As the contamination continues I imagine other things will disappear as well. No milk, eggs, vegetables, etc. means that other things like bread, cheese, meat, etc will also become in short supply. Lucky for me there are a few foreign businesses here that import food from abroad mainly for other foreigners so I can keep supplied for awhile until things improve.

I am too old now for the radiation to have a long term effect on me. My students will definitely be affected by it. I teach at a high school just 100km south of the power plant and the radiation readings there are nearly 20 times higher than normal. The idiot Japanese teachers at my school are ignoring the dangers and prefer to believe government BS even when I show them radiation readings taken by one government ministry which directly contradicts what is being said by another government ministry. Each day brings some new revelation of the danger but they prefer just to keep their heads buried in the sand.

Yesterday, we had a huge aftershock in which the epicenter was directly in the area of the school. I was heading for the window to jump when it stopped. It was just 30 minutes before the entire school, over 1000 students and teachers, was scheduled to hold a big meeting in the gym. I suggested they cancel it because the gym is a deathtrap. It has only a few narrow exits which have barred doors like a prison. Even after such a powerful aftershock they decided to hold the meeting and herded the entire school into the gym so they could listen to the principal drone on for 30 minutes on the dangers of earthquakes! Stupid!

Some of my students were sent by their parents to relatives living in Germany. Of course, they were not able to take make-up tests for one final exam which they missed. Instead of just making an exception for them the school decided to fail them for the year and force them to REPEAT the same year again when they return! I argued on their behalf that this was a disaster of epic proportions which is still ongoing and will likely get worse so it is clearly a good reason to make an exception to their ridiculous rules. The Japanese teachers' response was that "they should have stayed like the other students and no exceptions should be made for them because they have foreign relatives who have offered them shelter!" So, tainted by the "foreign connection" they are doomed to repeat their first year of high school all over again! You see, by leaving Japan they have broken their "Japanese group membership" which is the ultimate taboo here in Idiotville. "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down." This is a popular expression here and I have seen it applied over and over again but to punish two 16 year old girls because their parents forced them to go abroad to save their lives is beyond stupid.

I'm going to help my students as much as possible but I won't cross the street to help any of these idiot teachers here. They are beyond stupid!

Anyways, I have ranted enough for today. The good news is I finally got some gas for my bike and I am on the road again. The highways are open even though the road surface changes after each aftershock. After yesterday's aftershock the highway was buckled and cracked in many places and on one section I got my Scrambler slightly airborne after hitting a raised section at 130kms per hour! Exciting stuff!

This thing in Libya has been a godsend for the Japanese gov't! No foreign media asking them difficult questions. Now they can get busy with the coverups. TEPCO, the company responsible, has already publicly said that they are not responsible and the president of the company has disappeared. Business as usual.

Next to nothing has been shown on Japanese TV of US forces helping out in the relief efforts. They are deliberately downplaying foreign involvement and are pretending like they are doing everything themselves even though 20 US ships are off the east coast of Japan and some 15,000 US military are involved. Many local foreign groups have stepped up and have been taking an active role in helping but they will get no media attention. When the media mentioned British and German rescue teams it was only to say that they left without doing much because of radiation fears! Typical!

I may go up north with some other foreigners to see if we can deliver some relief supplies but is dependent on the gas situation. If you want to help out, I would recommend the Red Cross but beware of other charities. There are too many scams these days especially here in Japan. They are not all as honest as the media machine portrays them....:ignore:

Sal Paradise

I am always struck by your concern for and dedication to your students. Its pretty damn heroic. I would have jumped on the first flight to the U.S. but you are proving that one man can make a difference and I bet your students will never forget you, their American teacher who stuck by them and showed such concern.

I imagine Tepco will continue to shoot fire hoses at the reactors for a couple more weeks until it stops spewing radioactive steam and cools down enough for them to to seal it up. In the meanwhile, its a country full of heroes and idiots; the common man, the teachers, soldiers, fireman are the heroes and the administrators and ministers are the idiots.
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Street Tracker
Anybody who would rip off funds destined for survivors of a catastrophe is lower than pond scum and should be exterminated IMHO.


Street Tracker
Thanks, but I'm no hero. I would have bugged out a long time ago but I didnt want to leave my Scrambler behind!


Street Tracker
MM - very much ppreciate your posts. They give depth & context to the MSM reports that overlook the inherent xenophobia/racism, as well as the complacency of those who should be questioning [i.e. your fellow teachers] what is being said and not just accepting the ‘official line’.
TEPCO & the Japanese Government’s briefings & pronouncements have been –at best- woefully behind the curve.
Minamata Minamata disease should have taught those in positions of authority & influence, that both corporate and local government cannot be trusted.
How did your ride up north go the other day btw?
Stay safe and keep giving us an on-the-ground view of what is really happening.
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NOVA aired a program on the Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan. Scary stuff. If a "prepared" country like Japan has devastation and loss of life like that a country like the U.S. that can't even clean up after Katrina had better kiss it's ass goodbye.

On a side note most of the U.S. car companies are shutting down production due to the disaster in Japan. Just proves the it's truly a world economy.


Street Tracker
If you want to know the truth about the Japanese nuclear industry just watch this video:
Nuclear Slaves

It's about 20 years old but nothing has changed. A lot of the guys working there now are just part-timers with no skills....just poor farmers and fishermen.


If you want to know the truth about the Japanese nuclear industry just watch this video:
Nuclear Slaves

It's about 20 years old but nothing has changed. A lot of the guys working there now are just part-timers with no skills....just poor farmers and fishermen.

Now that is just fucking scary Moto, just fucking scary......


Street Tracker
Spread these videos to any and all websites so that other people will know what is really going on here:
Japan's nuclear slaves

Mayor of Minamisoma pleads for help

There are still thousands of people within the radiation zone. Most of them are elderly people or farmers with livestock to care for. Many can't get gas so they can't leave and nobody will deliver supplies into the area. The Japanese gov't has also refused permission for the US military to airdrop supplies into the disaster area. Foreign riders such as myself cant get enough gas to get into and out of the area with supplies although that is changing as gas supplies are improving to areas in the south but information is not reliable and subject to hourly changes.
Meanwhile, the media has long since switched back to it's daily venue of idiotic variety shows:Angry French Guy I know how he feels. It's making me sick. Meanwhile classes at the high school where I teach will begin on Monday even though the radiation is 5-10 times higher than normal at the school and even 20 times higher than normal just a further 20 miles further north. Nobody seems to recognize the danger to young people. They just pretend that everything is normal even though it is clearly not. Spread these videos far and wide so that people will know what is happening and will see how the Japanese government treats its own people.


I hate to tell you, that the basic topic of that first video is happening right here in the US ofA. People are exposed to really bad shit everyday in refineries, chemical plants, paper mills, compressor stations, power plants. Lots of places.

All the people who are wanting to go back to work and school just want normal lives again very bad. I can understand that but nothing should be held against the folks like you who want to lay low for a bit. A nation wide evacuation would be a big job but the government has to honest to the people about the short and long term risks with radiation exposure. If the food and water supply has been nuked its going to be a very unhealthy place to be. And why have they not buried the reactors under concrete yet?