Yet ANOTHER Powder Coating Wheel Thread...


The silver looks good...

We share similar tastes in wheels/tires:

cool pic/bike and car Oxblood! You dont have any gauges?


TRUNK? I thought that was your workshop, are the spare plates for midnight ATM withdrawls?

Coop,TC and I live in Washington. A few years ago we passed a flat rate $30 a year car tab law. So the gubmint starting tacking on all sorts of shit to get their money anyway.We "get" to buy new license plates every 5 years,pay for road use,regional transit [buses,light rail etc],conservation,park upgrades,tonnage and on and on and on..


cool pic/bike and car Oxblood! You dont have any gauges?

My speedo cable broke at the hub running down the interstate a couple of years ago. I've got a nice scar from burning myself on the pipes trying to grab it so it didn't get wrapped up in the wheel.

I'm a cheap bastard so I made this:



Nice, I'm definitely looking at some DS tires. Definitely going to be blacking out my rims and hubs.

I've got an extra front still with the stickers on it never been mounted I'll sell ya for 40 bucks plus shipping. I was having a bitch of a time getting my front wheel in balance so I bought another tire thinking it may be a problem there. It ended up being the guy that was working on my bike didn't know what he was doing and I found a dirtbike guy that trued my wheel before I ever mounted this one.