How fast will it go?

Sal Paradise

Wow that looks like a lot of work. BlueJ, by way of common sense comparison. even old 400 cc 2 cyl. 4 stroke standards would get pretty close to 100 mph top end.


Blue Haired Freak
Wow that looks like a lot of work. BlueJ, by way of common sense comparison. even old 400 cc 2 cyl. 4 stroke standards would get pretty close to 100 mph top end.

That's just geometry: Spin the crankshaft so many times a second with a given gear ratio spins the front sprocket so many times a second spins the rear sprocket so many times a minute spins the rear wheel so many times a minute which has a certain circumference and thus covers a certain distance.

Says NOTHING about whether the motor has enough umph to actually push the mechanics that hard through air resistance. But sets an absolute upper limit (again, assuming no strap-on JATO bottles).


NBR founder
79t140 - go test ride one. Amazing I know, but dealers have demo models for perspective buyers. Decide for yourself if it's what you want.


Wow that looks like a lot of work. BlueJ, by way of common sense comparison. even old 400 cc 2 cyl. 4 stroke standards would get pretty close to 100 mph top end.
they dont weigh 500 lbs ether.stock these bikes run out of steam about 115 mph on the speedo.A older 790 has more hp in the higher rpms then a 865.A stock 790 will not hit its 7400 rpm limit in high gear.7400 rpm is around 117 mph on a 790.some 865s have a rev limit that goes 8000rpm but have never seen a stock bike with enough balls to get there.But on the other hand have you ever been 125 mph on one of these bikes ? I have and its no fun at all .

Sal Paradise

79t140 - go test ride one. Amazing I know, but dealers have demo models for perspective buyers. Decide for yourself if it's what you want.

Yeah,... Just tell the dealer you are interested in finding the actual top speed and also testing the wheelie ability. I'm sure they will be happy to let you use their demo. :bug:


Two Stroke
One day I was riding my Bonnie with it's saddle bags and Parabellum windscreen while riding with "some dudes" on their Hayabusa's and we creasted a rise and started down a long hill when I was surprized how easy it was riding at 165 mph! I had spooled up my dual turbos and uncorked the 10lb bottle of nitrous when all of a sudden I felt the rear tire break loose leaving a dark black mark behind me on the pavement. An indicated 235mph before I started frantically squeezing that big aftermarket Brembo front brake lever when about that time a TX Trooper in a black and white Dodge Charger came blasting out of the bushes blue lights flashing, all this happening when I WOKE UP from my dream when the wife opened up the blinds and the sun came shinning through. Damn, it was just getting good.
Hey, under similar conditions I'd bet yours too can do the same thing! No Chit Joe!


Man ......I have the same dream but I'm following these Ducati girls who have defected to NBR Triumph, they are all naked, long hair and no helmets.....:lol3:


Mikenva.....I'm with you about the "no fun part" . Even with fork brace, damper new fork innards...calm day straight road I was somewhere around 115 hunched over and the wind on these naked was beating me up and I backed started to get comfortable again around 90 real nice at 80. It seems to me when you pop over 100 it just starts blowing like hell.


Two Stroke
From your earlier posts, it sounds like a Bonnie will need to have some work done to provide what you're after, are you willing to do that or do you want to buy something box-stock?

With 2 classic brits in the garage, how about a Thunderbird Sport - or one of the big UJM's in addition? Like this 100HP XJR1300

Yum :up: If only