Why is it so ?


Street Tracker
I noticed that NBR has nearly 3000 members now and only a small percentage of us post or start new threads. could it be that A..they have a life. B..they cant spell. C..they `like to watch`. D..they have real friends.E..all of the above .does anyone else have any thoughts on this?:d
Well, for me, I have way too much time on my hands. I'm a 50% partner in a bike rental shop and work 2 weeks on/2 off. No probs occupying myself when I'm not here but when I am in the shop (like now) waiting for customers, I jump on NBR to have a bit of banter, share and get info and make cyber friends whom I hope to possibly meet one day for real.

So, maybe the majority of the posters are like me and the majority of the "watchers" have something else they'd rather be doing? Also, probably a lot joined up when they had a Bonnie e.t.c, have sold the bike so don't have an interest anymore.

Who knows, and to be honest, who cares? ;)




for me its my wife and daugthers, then its way to much work, then my only hobby and passion , the Bonneville. For the past 2 years work , the economy and making enough to live has been terribly hard. So short rides and working on the bike/garage time relieves a LOT of stress. I usually work from 8:15am after I drop the girls off to 6:00pm. So my stress relief during the day is to pop onto NBR. I need a change and a life, maybe soon.


NBR founder
Who knows for sure. Little more than 300 unique IP addresses actively view the forum in a day. In order to even view the majority of the forum, you have to be a registered user. Some people might register to look around - then dont come back. I know, hard to believe, but true. I also have about 200 or better registered IPs blocked/banned for being spammers or asswhipes.


I usually check in daily, mostly to read and hopefully see if there's a new babe pic posted. It be honest a babe check is my first stop. :brit_tit:


TT Racer
I usually check in daily, mostly to read and hopefully see if there's a new babe pic posted. It be honest a babe check is my first stop. :brit_tit:

+1 Nothing wrong with that lox, that's the first new post I'm looking for each and every time.
Who knows....

Well for me, Im pretty chatty on any forum I'm on. Except for Big Brother RAT forum...too many snags Ive run with moderator Wombat for some of the stupidest $#!t. So I dont bother unless I really need a question answered that this site may not have or if there's a post I know I can contribute to without the mods swinging the ban hammer at me.

Plus, where I work invovles being at a computer so while I am making a call and its ringing, Im using the opportunity to write a post or read a post.

A good friend of mine is a lurker on here.


Well, to me at least this site is not so bogged down with same-o same-o posts. I still lurk on the "other" site and it seems like every post is the same topic of one posted last week.


I think we all go through a variety of websites on our daily internet use...mine kinda goes between about 9 and 12 different websites which I usually check into at first then go back through and pick stuff I am interested in or want to add something to.
In regards to this site, it's the one I am more involved in than the rest and so I'll spend more time looking through the posts to see if I can add something to the thread or answer a question someone has about whatever.
If I have a particular problem I need help with I'll post that and keep checking back to see if anyone has answered yet. Normally I'll only post probs relating to Bonnevilles on this site and no others. We do have one of the most outstanding mind banks around and can usually solve any problem quickly.
Some of the websites, such as ADV, pertain to only sidecars and although there are dozens of sites around dealing with sidehacks, ADV has the best people for those. They also have a great section (Jomamma) which is a no holds barred forum which at times is unbelievably hilarious and funny so I tend to check that twice daily but post very little unless I have a witty comment to add.
Other sites that pertain to other interests are one for skydiving, one for concealed carry in Florida, Facebook, and currently I'm playing the Dos Equis treasure game. After that it's back on the shelf for the laptop and I'm off doing other things.
I'm just giving you a rough idea of my daily internet useage. Often it changes but pretty much those are the everyday sites. As far as the "other" Triumph site, meh....might go there once or twice a week at the most.
Of all the sites, this one is my favorite and for many of the reasons posted above...to quote an old Tina Turner song...."Simply the best" thanks to the hard work and supervision that the Dude puts into it and the amazingly intelligent members that lurk here.


Street Tracker
G... scared the wife will find out he is talking about his one true love (his Triumph)

Ben Quick

Street Tracker
I was just thinking of what a solid site NBR has become. Earlier I visited a Triumph forum I used to frequent where even mods would push their political agendas if someone asked about MOTORCYCLE seats. It got old pretty fucking fast. What a contrast NBR is.
There are many contributors here where solid, significant information is shared. Not all of us have the time or mechanical expertise, but there are others who are here when needed.

What kind of oil do you use?


Hell I think I spend tooooooooo much time on here. I check back a ton during the day when I'm not at work and sometimes even on the phone while I'm there. But its all good, plenty of stuff to learn and sometimes throw in my two cents from experience or lack thereof.


TT Racer
Hell I think I spend tooooooooo much time on here. I check back a ton during the day when I'm not at work and sometimes even on the phone while I'm there. But its all good, plenty of stuff to learn and sometimes throw in my two cents from experience or lack thereof.

Yeah, you know I found that anyones two cents from experience is all you need sometimes. That two cents can worth a hell of a lot!


Two Stroke
I was more active when I had my Bonnie, since I bought the Sprint, I don't have as many questions on how to make the bike more comfortable for me. I just like to ride the bike, and I'm not having any problems yet, so no questions on how to fix problems. So, I check in on off-topic stuff on occasion, but don't feel like I have much to contribute.