Well I got it now...


Got hit with the big ol' layoff stick that's swinging around. I'm thinking Monday I'll head down to the national guard depot and ask some more questions. I think I'd like a career in LE so being an MP with the guard might be a good starting spot. I already too the asvab a while back and scored pretty well.



TT Racer
Sorry to hear that, Oxblood.

Tight conditions in your industry (always).

If you are looking to stay in NC my sister is a LEO with Greensboro PD.



I'm going the LE route as well, soon as i finish up a wee bit of schooling. Good luck! Seems like everywhere around here is desperately seeking folks so there are all kinds of perks to joining up. Not sure about your area though.


Sorry to hear that Oxblood. They've been swinging the axe where I work for almost 2 years now. In 4 rounds we went from almost 700 people to about 200 now. It's tough times in the construction industry, especially in residential housing. That I'm afraid may be the last area to come back. The military is sure not a bad way to go, if you're young enough, that is. Best of luck.


Yeah I've been toying with the idea of the guard for a few years now and I'm getting to the point where I feel I'm getting too old so it's do or die time.



TT Racer
OX, if you want some info about the things a recruiter will say/try to say; fire me a private message, I was a reluctant recruiter for a short while until I convinced them I'm not cut out for that sort of work, and would be happy to provide whatever insight i could.


Two Stroke
Good luck with the Guard. My youngest is in the Air Guard in Reno, she put on E-5
Jan 1st, she's 23. I can't for the life of me figure out how to post pix or I would.
good luck brother! I got laid off back in Nov '08. I have an application into HPD and I'm going through the process with them now, and things are going well for me. Still, I ain't gettin no check from them yet...


Street Tracker
Jeez, pretty soon it'll be new bonneville cops website!!! Hey, everyone's invited....
Just my .02, we're always hiring down this way, but you may want to think about going straight into the PD if that's your ultimate goal. Even if you go Guard and happen to get the MP appointment you're hoping for, when you get out you will still have to go through the same police academy you would've if you'd never been in the Guard. The only thing you'll be ahead is a few years older and maybe a slight hiring preference for military. At least around here. If you were already in the Guard, that's one thing, but joining up is the long way 'round the block. I believe you may be better off to do corrections if you can't get right into LEO. Once you're hired with corrections, it's just a 2 week crossover class to get LEO cert.


Two Stroke
I think this will work. This is my youngest, last year when Pres Bush stopped at Reno.


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