The World Cup

The World Cup

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Since i'm a very casual follower of the game of soccer I thought I'd put a poll out there of regions of the world that you guys would vote on who would win the world cup. Not very team specific, but regions.

I kinda got into to soccer when the world cup was on The Spanish station while I was on Jury Duty one month. This was back when they has yer ass all day long and you sat in a room with total strangers putting jig saw puzzles together that had one or two missing pieces. The world cup was the only thing decent on daytime TV.

Anyway here's a poll for ya.
Dilemma time...ride with the lads this week-end or watch England walk-all-over the US...

On one hand it means drinking beer, laughing at the yankees handle themselves and on the other it means beer and ..well pretty much the same thing :p
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TT Racer
Dilemma time...ride with the lads this week-end or watch England walk-all-over the US...

On one hand it means drinking beer, laughing at the yankees handle themselves and on the other it means beer and ..well pretty much the same thing :p

Dude, you're a foreigner in AZ? You ARE brave.

Hope you got your papers.



Street Tracker
I'd like to dream and say the Aussie Socceroos have a chance but I am a realist................they've got a snowflakes chance in hell of making it out of their division.

A prediction?.... a European team will play a South American team in the final.
Dude, you're a foreigner in AZ? You ARE brave.

Hope you got your papers.


Dude, everyone's a foreigner in AZ...:woot:
...but you can't beat riding 365 days out of the year now can yah so I'll take my chances with the man :D it raining where you are yet...:p
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TT Racer


All I have is my empirical observations.. I do believe that Mobile has a lot of rainfall, but it comes down in droves on occasion. Seattle, however, was overcast almost all the time. The word dreary comes to mind, BUT when it's sunny out it is spectacular!!

By the way we tell all the people it snows a lot in the Mile Hi to keep all those west coasters out.
I'm a mutt as I grew-up 13 years in the UK, then emigrated to Montreal QC, CA for 21 years before migrating south to the desert. I've had my fair-share of wet east coast and cold east coast weather to last me.

Not too many po-po pulling-over white brit-canadians eh.
Love the fact that you actually did some research regarding Seattle weather factoids.
If any of you've plans to head south because you're in denial about the grey wet weather, then lemme know and I'll pull out the couch, turn on the hottub and plan a few rides where we don't need no stikin rain gear!



Kirkus...what is this thing called "rain" everyone keeps talking about? Is it like snow? Oh boy...gotta' run. I almost missed my hourly application of ChapStick. Plus I should refill my water glass as it's been 45 min. and 75% of the water has evaporated.

Oh yeah, Soccer... I voted for Central and North America because someone had to.


TT Racer
I'm a mutt as I grew-up 13 years in the UK, then emigrated to Montreal QC, CA for 21 years before migrating south to the desert. I've had my fair-share of wet east coast and cold east coast weather to last me.

Not too many po-po pulling-over white brit-canadians eh.
Love the fact that you actually did some research regarding Seattle weather factoids.
If any of you've plans to head south because you're in denial about the grey wet weather, then lemme know and I'll pull out the couch, turn on the hottub and plan a few rides where we don't need no stikin rain gear!


I at some point (hopefully next year) would love to ride down to the Grand Canyon.. and yeah, the overcast is no joke. There are 4 seasons in Seattle:

We have Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Road Construction.

Nick Morey

Not a big follower, but might as well vote for the hometeam. I here they are pretty 'spunky' this year! Hey, stranger things have happened...

Does anybody remember the "Miracle on Ice"?
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Dilemma time...ride with the lads this week-end or watch England walk-all-over the US...

On one hand it means drinking beer, laughing at the yankees handle themselves and on the other it means beer and ..well pretty much the same thing :p

"Walk all over the US" huh? You forgot a couple of things..Tim Howard is THE MAN! Chuck Norris wishes he could be Tim Howard.! Clint Dempsey isn't only an American, he's a bona fide Texan too! 1-1 Tie isn't a win for the US, we should have beat England. That's OK though, because there's gonna be a lot of crying into their bangers and mash (whatever the hell that is) across the pond, especially when the US wins this group. Go USA!


Dilemma time...ride with the lads this week-end or watch England walk-all-over the US...

On one hand it means drinking beer, laughing at the yankees handle themselves and on the other it means beer and ..well pretty much the same thing :p

Looks like the US tied with England... How's the beer taste now? :beer:
Gotta give it to the Brits. They come to the world cup regular with the team thats gonna trounce the world and every year since 66 they cant take the cup at there National sport! No wonder most of UK league teams consist of players from elsewhere.


I'm not a fan of soccer but I am a fan of major sporting events, so when the US plays England in the Word Cup I pay attention. I'll follow the rest of the event casually, then go back to ignoring the game altogether when it's over.