Strange things are afoot at the Circle K


I had a weird situation this evening gassing up the truck. When I pulled up to the pump I noticed this very intoxicated guy hanging out in front of the store. After pumping the gas the machine said I needed to pick up my receipt from the office. I had this 6th sense that this guy was going to approach me. Sure enough, he tries to engage me in conversation as I headed into the shop. I couldn't make out what he was saying at first so I attempted to just politely ignore him and move on. He follows me into the store and asks me what the cross streets are. I tell him as I pick up the receipt from the clerk and try to leave. The whole time alarms are going off in my head. I laced my keys between the fingers of my right hand. He tries to stop me outside the door with this phrase; "Hey man, wanna make some money?”. At this point I've gone to orange alert and I turn around and face him backing up towards my car. In a loud voice I said “NO” pointed at him and continued to back up. He then responded with “I was just going give you some money for a ride”. I repeated that I wasn’t interested and headed back to my truck facing him and walking backwards. The guy calls me an asshole and walks off. I know it might not sound like a big deal but it really freaked me out.


I was pulling up to a Circle K a few years ago and this guy burst out of the front doors running like hell with two twelve packs under his arms. I get out of my car and the clerks runs out and starts yelling at me to chase him. Even back then 100 yards was my max and if I broke 25 seconds it would have been a miracle. The thing that got me pissed was the clerk was pissed at me.


Welcome to my world. :)

Thanks for doing what you do Dude.

Lessons learned:
1) Trust your instincts - I failed. Should have said fuck the receipt and headed home.
2) Situational awareness - I think I did OK here other than not following lesson 1
3) No cell phone, no knife, and no gun = all you've got are your fucking keys to keep you safe. - Epic fail on my part. Good thing he was just a drunk.


After attending the funeral yesterday of my friend and co-worker Jim Sanders,who was murdered in front of his wife and kids a couple weeks ago,by 4 pieces of shit answering his ad for a diamond ring for sale on Craigslist,I'm on orange alert all the fucking time. Updated weaponry and enhanced home security are being put into place this week 'round dis ol house....


TT Racer
After attending the funeral yesterday of my friend and co-worker Jim Sanders,who was murdered in front of his wife and kids a couple weeks ago,by 4 pieces of shit answering his ad for a diamond ring for sale on Craigslist,I'm on orange alert all the fucking time. Updated weaponry and enhanced home security are being put into place this week 'round dis ol house....

shit dude, I read about that. I really fucking feel for his family. I sent the article to my father in hopes that he plays it safe with selling on that fucking craigslist...

by the way, I carry sabre cs pepper spray/tear gas. will shut anyone up, at least long enough to get out of a sticky situation. It's "illegal" to buy it here in NY but the shop I work for can get it direct from liberty mountain wholesale. I bought it for everyone I care about last christmas.
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Sal Paradise


That used to happen to me all the time when I was going to college in NYC. You handled it fine. You have a lot more than keys, you have your awareness. I wouldn't be fearful.

But as my old martial arts instuctor used to say " there are weapons everywhere". The car, your loud voice , the tire iron, the gas pump itself can protect you if you put it between you and him. All options to the aware man.
You wrote - "I had this 6th sense that this guy was going to approach me. Sure enough, he tries to engage me in conversation as I headed into the shop."

Always trust that 6th sense, You should have walked past him without breakig stride and if he said anything you just say " No!". Loudly. I am the type of guy that will give a bum couple of dollars on the street, but not if he scares me. The other day a scary looking street person came up to me panhandling while I was at work. Just something about him and my instinct kicked in and I yelled " No! Get the fuck away from me!" and had my game face on. He stopped in his tracks. Your voice and attitude will ward off a street bum approach.

And for Craigslist ads - use a cell #, meet at a gas station. No one comes in the house.
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Gretsch.....always trust your instincts .......
Rodburner....hang in....hope the shits get the big injection....
Craigslist has created a whole new under belly of scam artists, crooks, a place to find hookers......they need to clean up the act.....


We are surrounded by sketchy assholes. I got reminded of that Monday by getting the shit beat out of me by a group of bastards in Ruston,LA and robbed of 40 bucks. Busted up head and ribs but it could have been worse. So sorry to hear about rodburners friend,anyone who could do that in front of children deserves the worst punishment we can think of.


Rodburner - Words cannot express my sympathy for your friend and his family or the anger I feel towards the cowards that did this. I hope they pump the scumbags full of the blue juice.

Nohawk - That sucks man. I hope you're feeling better now. It's a shame we all have to live around these oxygen thieves.



That used to happen to me all the time when I was going to college in NYC. You handled it fine. You have a lot more than keys, you have your awareness. I wouldn't be fearful.

But as my old martial arts instuctor used to say " there are weapons everywhere". The car, your loud voice , the tire iron, the gas pump itself can protect you if you put it between you and him. All options to the aware man.
You wrote - "I had this 6th sense that this guy was going to approach me. Sure enough, he tries to engage me in conversation as I headed into the shop."

Always trust that 6th sense, You should have walked past him without breakig stride and if he said anything you just say " No!". Loudly. I am the type of guy that will give a bum couple of dollars on the street, but not if he scares me. The other day a scary looking street person came up to me panhandling while I was at work. Just something about him and my instinct kicked in and I yelled " No! Get the fuck away from me!" and had my game face on. He stopped in his tracks. Your voice and attitude will ward off a street bum approach.

And for Craigslist ads - use a cell #, meet at a gas station. No one comes in the house.

Yeah I actually did walk past initially but he followed me in. That's when I really started to pump adrenalin. I usually listen to my instincts and avoid situations like this but it only takes one mistake.

There's a lot of truth in what your martial arts teacher said. I still think it's better to have access to something you know is there and that you know how to use. It would have been nice to have access to OC, or a Taser.


We are surrounded by sketchy assholes. I got reminded of that Monday by getting the shit beat out of me by a group of bastards in Ruston,LA and robbed of 40 bucks. Busted up head and ribs but it could have been worse. So sorry to hear about rodburners friend,anyone who could do that in front of children deserves the worst punishment we can think of.

That makes me sick.But like you say,the times we live in.The sorry fuckers have more rights than "we" do. I'd say,be careful,but that is pretty hollow advice,given your new job.Every stop is gonna present another batch of shit to contend with and employers frown on packing in a company rig,so we are on our own for the most part. Heal up my friend.


After attending the funeral yesterday of my friend and co-worker Jim Sanders,who was murdered in front of his wife and kids a couple weeks ago,by 4 pieces of shit answering his ad for a diamond ring for sale on Craigslist,I'm on orange alert all the fucking time. Updated weaponry and enhanced home security are being put into place this week 'round dis ol house....

So sorry to hear about your buddy. Hopefully they caught the scumbags and they'll never see the light of day again.

Used to be you'd get in a fight, the fists would fly, somebody loses, you go home. Now days it seems like all the bad elements are armed and really dangerous. A hearty thanks goes out to you dude and all the men in blue for doing your best to keep the streets safe for us law abiding citizens.


I always know where my knife is, as well as my 6 cell maglite in the car...and the baseball bat at the front & back doors...and we live in a "nice" area...and have a dog with a fierce bark...


So sorry to hear about your buddy. Hopefully they caught the scumbags and they'll never see the light of day again.

Used to be you'd get in a fight, the fists would fly, somebody loses, you go home. Now days it seems like all the bad elements are armed and really dangerous. A hearty thanks goes out to you dude and all the men in blue for doing your best to keep the streets safe for us law abiding citizens.

Yeah it makes you nostalgic for the good old days. Maybe that's part of the reason I love the Bonneville.

In any case, these days I look for any "unfair advantage" I can get. Cheating is good when it comes to life or death. I'm not saying that my experience was life or death but it's better to be prepared for the worst and wish for the best.


I always know where my knife is, as well as my 6 cell maglite in the car...and the baseball bat at the front & back doors...and we live in a "nice" area...and have a dog with a fierce bark...

Same here... Just substitute 9mm Glock for knife and 2 Mossberg 12 gauges for baseball bats at the doors.

As they say my pappy always told me not to bring a knife to a gun fight.


When we sailed in the Caribbean I decided I didn't want to be a victim. So I had a 38.....9mm Beretta, 12 gauge and an A-15 on board.....we went everywhere and saw all kinds of things including a drug drop at sea late at night. When we showed up we just turned around and drifted off into the night never to see a soul. we were never ever in "real" harms way. in my closet I have a 12 pump with 3 slug shells then dbl O....that is for big cats who very occasionally come into town. We are told we cannot shoot one BUT if one is in my f----g back yard with all the kids around our hse and area it is dead and I have a safe/hand print bolted to the floor under the bed with a Glock. Because I have I will never use......


The most important personal protection you can have is situational awareness. Know where you are and what is around you, listen to your instincts (like Gretsch did), don't invite strangers over to your house with advertisements, etc. Learning how to avoid trouble is a lot better than learning how to shoot.

And old school cops always said they'd rather be without their gun than without their radio. Yes guns are great, but radios bring more cops, helicopters, the National Guard, ambulances, etc. We have the equivalent in our cell phones. Always have a comm device.

HINT: Cops love the words "in progress". It means they get to be in on the action as it's happening, not after it's over. They live for that shit! Dude, can you give me an amen?