RAT Movie anyone? Northwest...


Street Tracker
RAT Night at the Movies
Finley-Sunset Hills Mortuary 6:00pm
Showing: Psychomania "Chopper chics in Zombietown"
1970's Zombies, bikers, Voo Doo, old Triumphs in one very "unusual" movie. What a hoot -- watching this movie at a funeral home! The perfect Haloween treat. See the October RAT Tales newsletter for additional details (link to it on the PUBLICATIONS page). Finley-Sunset Hills is the cemetery/funeral home you see just off the Sunset highway up by the Sylvan overpass. Access is from Canyon Road onto Camelot Court. Check Google Maps or Mapquest for specifics.

Not sure why they listed it as "Chopper chics in Zombietown", there is only 1 or 2 "chics" in it? Anyhow...I'm going...if anyone is interested on meeting up and heading over? It's a stupid movie, own it and have watched a few times, but it is funny and has Triumphs all over it!! Let me know if anyone is down? :chin: