PBS is scaring me


CRAP!!! Just got done watching Frontline and 2nd night in a row that a PBS program scared the hell outta me. Watched American Experience last night about the guy who did thousands of lobotomies with no right of consent by the patient.... thru your eye sockets with a glorified ice pick and hammer. yeech!!

And now Frontline detailed how the financial system collapsed and our tax dollars are bailing it out. I know it had to be done, but I didn't know it had to be done so fast.

I think I'll head downstairs with my dogs and curl up into a ball and just watch sports for a few days. I don't want to watch any News shows for a while.

I'm getting depressed and there's no good Bonnieweather for a few days. Arrgghh!!:T


CRAP!!! Just got done watching Frontline and 2nd night in a row that a PBS program scared the hell outta me. Watched American Experience last night about the guy who did thousands of lobotomies with no right of consent by the patient.... thru your eye sockets with a glorified ice pick and hammer. yeech!!

That was wild, huh? The crazy mofo even lobotomized kids FFS!!!


full frontal lobotomies were very popular near here in Norwich Ct back in the 50s and60s my Mom worked at the "Norwich Hospital" for a number of years and witnessed the calming effects of the lobotomy


TT Racer
My t.v. broke two months ago. I lost fifteen pounds, without all those food commercials. I miss PBS, Regis & Kelly and the Today Show.

Has anyone seen the new show Dollhouse?


I know a few people that could use a lobotomy..are they on sale?


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