Now, You Might Find This A Bit Strange But....


TT Racer
I shouldn't have to worry too much about the brunt of Gustav, may be a little damp but that's what frog togg's are for. If it gets too bad the contingency plan is to make a left(north) for an hour or so then start heading east again. Hoping I don't have to go much higher than 20 to begin with. The truly interesting thing will be the traffic, other than the fact that I'm running straight to where everyone else is running from, and where TS Hanna will be by the time I get to my place in Florida. I'm hoping to have a couple hours once I get there to stock up, my place has been empty since the middle of July when I left Florida. I don't think postponing it is much of an option, my leave is up and I've got to be back by Wednesday.


Damn, straight down to I-10 would have been a better trip, Gustav or not... I-20 is way outa the way... But your prob gone already..
I hope he makes it.
Take care evryone in the hurricane's path. It looks like one to avoid. So if the roads aren't too choked, I'd get out of it's way.
Remember, bikes are great for getiing thru gridlock.
Good luck. We're all praying for you.
While I wouldn't ride any bike in a wind greater than 75 mph (or a car for that matter), I have to say that my Street Triple is one of the best large road bikes I've ever ridden in high winds. I think it's be cause it's got almost no body panels, & the wind can just blow thru it.
My fully faired Laverda RGS 1000, was much more of a handful in the wind.


TT Racer
Left Sunday morning around 0530 stopped Monday morning around 0145, slept 'till 08 had breakfast and off again. Just made it in around 1445. Not bad altogether. Definitely need a new seat. The stocker sucks. Interstate 10 East was a clear a whistle, just me and maybe a dozen rigs and a couple other brave/crazy souls blasting down the open highway at 90mph. West bound 10 was packed pretty much all the way through Louisiana. Only had one spot of rain in northern Florida. Pretty uneventful, except for the hit and run on 10 last night. We ended up in a standstill for 30 minutes then the "detour" took us through hell's half acre, 45 minutes on some roads that didn't even have lines and at midnight no less. What a blast. Thanks for all the positive thoughts.


TT Racer
No time soon. I was up there for schooling, It's a miracle I was allowed to go. As a recruiter they generally don't let you go to too many school. I was hoping to meet up with a couple of you guys but the bike had other ideas, had to get the chain & sprockets swapped out and get a new tire. I'm hoping to be back up there eventually to have Freddie do some "work" to my bonnie. But, I've got no idea when that'll be.
Glad you made it mate.

BTW Tgirl. 75 mph probably is a little high for me too. We measure wind in knots, yet speed & distance in klms. So it's a little confusing for me, converting everything back to mph.
In terms of knots, I try not to ride in anything over 40 knots, which is around the 50 mph mark (I think)
Just checking in to see how you made out. I guess timing is every thing.
A lot of miles in a short amount of time. Ya the stock seat sucks.
Glad to hear you made safe and sound.



TT Racer
I had plans to take pictures of the bike when I got down here to Florida. I ran into quite the collection of love bugs and dragon flies on the way, but the one rain storm i hit cleaned them off very nicely. Of course it's raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock right now, at least it waited until I got back!!