Nighttime Nostalgia


Went for my night ride that i do at least once a week during the Summer. This weekend was hot and of course on Friday I had to put down my Best Buddy of 18 years, so I needed a lift.

I guess I needed to do my nostalgia loop and it did lift my spirits. What I mean by nostalgia is I ride by the houses I used to live in and the places where we used to drag race and hang out in general. It brings back fond memories almost every time I ride the Nostalgia Loop.

Any of you guys have a favorite local loop you that brings back memories?


Inspired by your post, I tooled around Matawan, NJ today, the scene of the crime of my youth, and looked at the old house I used to live in, the lake which kept all of us occupied during summer, and took some of the little side roads I used to walk to town when a kid. The town is close to where I now live, but soooo very far away...


I ride thru my old neighborhood a couple times a year.The house I grew up in,burned down around this last Christmas and I ride by to see if the idiots who did it have made any repairs yet. They haven`t.:mad:

Ohio TT

Two Stroke
One of my best friends lives on the road where I grew up. Our old house and my grandparents house are still there so I get nostalgic pretty often. An added bonus is that it's one of the curviest roads in this area. :)


Odd thing is I once lived on the corner of Mason Circle and Dixon Drive. The Mason/Dixon line of the north burbs of Denver.
I've been riding these roads for close to 40 years. So I've got lots of memories wherever I ride. Though with the pace of developement around here, if I don't go down a road for a few years, there's a good chance that I won't recognise the place.


You guys are lucky to live in or near a place where you have roots and family. I've moved around all my life both growing up and as an adult, so the place I call home is where I hang my hat. I have no close family east of the Rockies.

Enjoy your sentimental moments.
I grew up in Houston (good riddance) but I've been in Austin since I was 18 years old. I'm 28 now.

Right now we're remodeling, and about to move into, the house my girlfriend grew up in. Pretty cool.