New T100, Green or Black?


Hey kids, new Bonnie rider here. I have a 2010 T100 green/cream that I bought with the thought of painting it straight black. I got the dealership to agree to paint it free for me. Of course, after two weeks on the bike, the green/cream is growing on me. My idea now is to convince the dealer to throw in the labor of putting on my exhaust and numerous assessories, as well as the 600 mile check-up, in lieu of the agreed upon paint job. Does anyone think I am crazy to paint the stock color black?


Blue Haired Freak
It is true that the *Stock* Black ones are faster (see link in sig), but you won't get that performance painting a non-stock one. So, you'd be better off trading your colorful bits with the owner of a Black who might want to go for the green/cream..


When I purchased my 03 T-100 it was blue/white. After 800 miles I went to black silver. I was a little faster then but it was really noticeable when I went all black. :headbang2:


Ya but if you add a full coat of paint to the factory paint, aren't you adding weight? so even if black adds 5 hp, you will lose 4.5 hp carrying the extra weight of the new paint and clear coat so the net gain is only .5 hp, right?


Street Tracker
Isay do what ever makes YOU happy. If the dealer was going to paint the bike, or have someone else paint it have a buddy call them to ask what they'd charge to paint his bike. Then go back armed with the numbers and see if you can come to an agreement
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I get complimented on the green / cream often. Its pretty sharp! There are an awful lot of black bikes out there.


Keep it two-tone! Very cool look.

Agreed with BlueJ that there's probably somebody out there who would be delighted to trade their fenders and tank for your more special bits if you ever have the inclination. It would certainly be quicker than a respay job.

If I were to get a special paint job, I'd pick something unique and distinctive.

Hamr Mark

TT Racer
I get complimented on the green / cream often. Its pretty sharp! There are an awful lot of black bikes out there.

Although it is was on Mythbusters even, that the Black Bonnevilles are faster than the rest, I wouldn't paint. Leave it as it is, or if you are really set on painting it, go with the 1970 Bonneville colours of red/silver.


  • Triumph-Bonneville-T120R-70.jpg
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Although it is was on Mythbusters even, that the Black Bonnevilles are faster than the rest, I wouldn't paint. Leave it as it is, or if you are really set on painting it, go with the 1970 Bonneville colours of red/silver.

best looking Triumph ever


I would keep it green & cream. The black bonnevilles seem pretty common. Two color paint scheme adds to the class and mystique of the machine.