Mouldy leather jacket


Street Tracker
Had a lot of rainy days in a row the last couple of weeks so I haven't been able to hang my leather jacket out in the sun to dry completely and what I have noticed is that mould is beginning to grow out of the stitches. How do I stop this from happening, now and later on when it is damp again. I have sprayed the jacket with some disinfectant spray and hung out in some sun yesterday but I have heard somewhere to rub wax (Like surfboard) into the stitching, does this sound right??
sounds about right but the other products recommended may be better since they are specifically for leather. I have used surfwax on my jacket before on an old suit on the wax smells really good


Zogs, the best for your stick. only the white{coconut}. For your jacket; I seem to remember something about Lemon Pledge, does that ring a bell with anybody?
Zogs, the best for your stick. only the white{coconut}. For your jacket; I seem to remember something about Lemon Pledge, does that ring a bell with anybody?

I do use Lemon Pledge to polish up my bike...much cheaper than the motorcycle polishes out there. I heard its a good polish and protectant for leather couches, so I see no problem why it would be a problem with leather jackets


Street Tracker
You can spray the area of mold with a water/bleach solution to kill the mold, let dry, brush the dead mold off (don't inhale the dust), and rub on lots of shoe polish and brush it like a pair of boots.


Street Tracker
Sunlight kills it and dries it up. :)

That's the problem we are just not getting any.......nearly every second to third day on average it has been raining for the past few weeks and the jacket just won't dry out enough before it gets wet again.......even I am starting to go mouldy and stink