Motorcycle shipping?


Just bought another Bonneville and I may have it shipped 1200 miles rather than driving out to Topeka from Tucson to pick her up.
I have done some preliminary research and I'm asking for suggestions for transport services. Anyone?
It will end up costing me $300 in gas, plus food and lodging, and used vacation pay. It looks like it will cost me around $500 to ship it.


Street Tracker
The last time I shipped a bike was in 1977. a 76 shovelhead.

It was about $500 to ship 800 miles by truck but they charged $500 to build a crate for it and would not ship it without the crate.


Street Tracker
I went the UShip route when I had a small bike (Yamaha 80) shipped from PA to OK. Cost $400 and everything went perfectly. Not a bad way to go..


TT Racer
Make sure that they are bonded and reputable. I've shipped a few bikes to people and the variety in shipping companies went from exceptionally professional to downright scary.

Good luck!



The point is… I found it!
Age… 60yo…
1200 miles… (one way) 2400 miles RT...
Weather Tuesday in Topeka 37 degrees…
Time off from work 5 days to pick her up…
Missed income...
2400 miles plus food and lodging…
Shipping it via for $545…
Do the math…
Payed XXXX.xx for the bike, well I shouldn't tell you…
It'll make you cry…
Carry on…
Done deal…
BTW, How's the weather in Maryland?

Hello Simpson…
Yes, I have done my research…
You are so right…
Shyster's are out there!
I found a few!



Blue Haired Freak
Yeah but... it's an adventure! If you're *really* gonna play the budget card then I'm compelled to point out that you'd be XXXX.xx + $545 ahead if you hadn't even bought it. And you'd still get to not ride it across the country!

Besides, you'd fly one way after work on Friday (prolly around $300), get on the bike and go, maybe 4 nights, you get home late Tuesday that's only 2 days of work missed, you've gotta eat no matter where you are, 1200/40=30 gallons fo gas that's $100, 4 nights motel at $75 a pop... your out of pocket is only a couple hundred more than the shipping, and for the cost of 2 days off you have an enormous feeling of self-satisfaction.

Just sayin. :)
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Blue Haired Freak
I wouldn't do it in 37 degrees either, for the record. :) Now, if you'd bought it a little earlier... fun!

Cheers and enjoy the new toy!


We'll do…

Bought it for a song and dance and w/ shipping I'm still ahead of the game…
I financed it w/ my great credit rating for my youngest son Nick as he will make the payments…
I still have spare parts too!

When I finish my soft tail Bonnie bobber it will go to my oldest son Aaron…
(He likes bobbers (he's a Tattoo artist)

Then if funds prevail I will get my dream bike, a '68-'72 Ducati wide case 350 Scrambler…

Nick works for a Carbon Fibre shop here in Tucson that fabs everything from custom bagger's to sprint cars, sun glasses, guitars etc…
Wait to see what he comes up with for our Triumphs!

Carry on…

Gotta Love family!
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