How TO be cool and NOT cool... Lesson #1


Street Tracker
How to be cool - Keeping both feet on the pegs whilst stationary at the lights and balancing until the lights go green and powering off

How to be NOT cool - Falling over at the lights when trying to keep both feet on the pegs whilst stationary waiting for the lights to go green and then being pinned under the bike needing the person in the car behind to help get the bike off of you so you can get up........Dooh!!


HAHAHA i play that game too... sucks when you cant pull it off and you know people are laughin..
sooo, how does the bike look?

Sal Paradise

Not to make this into a too serious safety thread, but I try and build certain habits, hoping they might one day save me. One thing I do is always put a foot or two down at a stop, no matter how rural or empty the road is. I think of it as a good habit - the second of looking and thinking is worth it for safety and its a reminder to myself to look and look again.

Also, it might be my middle age speaking here, but - cool to me is getting into all the habits that add up to safe(r) riding. Like putting on boots and gauntlet gloves. I know, boring. But there it is.

Now I have done the slow ride balance act with the motor revving in traffic and I am pretty good at that.

Hope you didn't damage your bike.


Street Tracker
HAHAHA i play that game too... sucks when you cant pull it off and you know people are laughin..
sooo, how does the bike look?

Surprisingly the only damage was my napoleon bar end mirror copped it, but it just bent the mounting bolt and pivot bolt which both straightened out no worries and some little battle scars in the chrome but they will come with a different story if any body asks how did they get there. I was thinking of an awsome 80 meter stoppy that ended unfortunately with a nice gentle topple.

Thing is I nearly pulled it off but I was at the point of upper body leaning to the right and the bars turning to the left and I was ready to put my foot down and I saw the light go green and the three cars up front started to move so I thought "You've got it" but the ute in front was a bit slow off the mark and I started to tip so I thought as soon as he moves I will just power myself up but as he moved and my body lent over more I dropped the clutch and......................snuffed it. The body went forward but the bike stayed still and the rest is history.

As soon as I got home I started to fix the mirror and the missus asked what I was doing so I told her what happened....quick as, she runs over to the bike "Is it alright, I hope you didn't wreck it" she nice to be loved and appreciated
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I am to old to do that shit anymore. I want to get from a to b and back to a without any shitttttttttt happening. ;-)))))


Street Tracker
Not to make this into a too serious safety thread, but I try and build certain habits, hoping they might one day save me. One thing I do is always put a foot or two down at a stop, no matter how rural or empty the road is. I think of it as a good habit - the second of looking and thinking is worth it for safety and its a reminder to myself to look and look again.

Also, it might be my middle age speaking here, but - cool to me is getting into all the habits that add up to safe(r) riding. Like putting on boots and gauntlet gloves. I know, boring. But there it is.

Now I have done the slow ride balance act with the motor revving in traffic and I am pretty good at that.

Hope you didn't damage your bike.

Now I must admit before leaving work I was actually on my way to the bike shop to get some brake pads and I thought it is just 10k down the road and was about to throw the gloves back in the dilly bag but the voice in the head said "nah ah ahh, you fell off in the car park once (Oh yeah that might be lesson # 2) with no gear on and ripped yourself up a bit so put your gloves on" so I listened and still knocked a bit of bark off the gloved hand from I think the mirror hitting did I protect myself or jinx myself??????

I think lesson # 3 might be riding the work mates cr250 during work time one Saturday morning. He was fitting rings to it in the workshop and I was suppose to be working. After he was done he took it out to the dirt pile where we test the machines (I repair CAT mining gear) to test it and I couldn't resist following him out and taking it for a blast......well I was doing a mono (I think that is the "How to be cool" part) and flipped it (That is the "NOT" part) and smacked my face into the bars (No helmet) splitting my nose and forehead open (There goes the modelling contract) and all of this to the applause of the parts warehouse guys who were out having lunch near the dirt pile. double DOOH!!


Street Tracker
I had a friend get a ticket once for doing the balancing act at a stoplight. The officer stated that unless you have your feet down, you're not at a complete stop.
I stopped at a light a few weeks ago, put the right foot down as usual ... right on an oil puddle in the middle of the lane. Brand new boot slid out and I almost went over. I hate it when that happens.


Street Tracker
My uncle to this day, will balance with his feet on the pegs waiting at stop lights. I don't know how he does it. He did spend quite a few years as a traffic cop sittin on a harley... I'm too much of a pussy to try.


im practicing for the slow race. its a biker game that you have like a 20 ft lane and who ever goes across it last without puttin their feet down wins.


im practicing for the slow race. its a biker game that you have like a 20 ft lane and who ever goes across it last without puttin their feet down wins.

I have watched a couple of slow races at rally's and the winner usually burns his clutch up getting there. :eeek:
