Hey from frozen Florida


Just found this site. Looks good. Been spending a lotta time at the computer, it's cold outside. I may be in north west Florida but it's 28F out now, was 21 F this morning and that's cold for here! Did ride one of the bikes today for groceries and that was good. Just wanted to say hello.
Welcome from south coast eastern Australia. We don't get that cold in midwinter. Today it sat on 30c about 86f, just now it's 7.40pm and 27c about 80f. I honestly don't understand how people can live in cold climates. I went to the snow one winter when I was about 18, that was once too often.


Here in Saint Augustine there was a heavy frost this morning with the temps at 11:30 pm it was 21.4 degrees here, 32.3 at 9 am and now at 11 am it's 43.1 and climbing. Saturday in the 70's and should be rideable. There will be a break for the next week then another dip later next week.
A bit off from the normal weather pattern but we'll see.


I'm in CT tonight, looks like lows will hit 14 degrees (Mystic, CT). Back to balmy, 20 degree+ Maryland tomorrow. It's still 54 degrees in Key West......


Getting better here in Nawth Flawda.....supposed to be in the 70's briefly on the week end...checking the air pressure on the bike tires today and giving her the once over for a ride on Saturday afternoon or Sunday....crossing fingers....


Looking at the bike now with direct lust, not changed by the air temperature outside, it's been 8 days of miserable weather and the sun is shining, it's warm and I'm getting off this fucking computer and getting my gear on for a ride.!