Hello from San Francisco

Hi guys,

I didn't know about this Forums until D9 told me. :shh:

I'm currently working on clearing up the front area of my 2007 Bonnie. M-bars and bar-end mirrors working pretty good, and I just can't wait to get my hands on mini speedo bracket by D9. :)

Here is a pic of my ride as of today.

Thanks and nice to meet you all!

I've always loved the look of your bonnie! Welcome!

I was just in San Francisco about a month and a half ago. Unfortunately I was there via airplane and not Bonneville, but it was a good time none-the-less!


He-llooo, Than Franthithco! That is one sweet looking bike, the best of the Thrux and the Bonnie. :up:
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

Sweat, I've always loved the look of your cafefighter. Mine still got good distance to go to become a cafefighter...