Ghost sticker


Street Tracker
Hi All, I have been cleaning up my bikes and removed a sticker from my black T100 tank that I had fitted about a year ago. I then polished the tank with a series of cuts and then a final polish, but what I can now notice on certain angles is a ghost shadow of the sticker that was there. I really don't know if I should attack this with a bit of fine emery (1500 - 2000) to rub the clear back slightly and then give it another polish or is there something definite that some body knows what to do. It is right on top of the tank so any stuff up will surely be noticed as the ghost shadow certainly is. :mad2:


TT Racer
I'd guess your tank paint faded except under the sticker. I had it happen with a magnetic sticker on a car


don't know what polish you used but a good pre wax cleaner (3M or similar) should work if not a scratch remover (like Mothers) after that a quality wax but you could really damage it with sanding. Body shop could buff it out for you cheap.


Street Tracker
All sorted, a bit more elbow grease with the polish and a bit of advise from Mr Miyagi helped get rid of it.