free service manual for Modern Classics


free view of original service manual Thrux -Bonny-Speedie Scram and Americas covering models until 2008. I believe as the manual covers only carburetor models.

Hello dear friends!
I want make a wish to all of you for good health (mental and physical) and many miles - kilometres-yards-stadias......!!
after several months searching, I finally got the PDF file of the Factory Service Manual - 482 pages - 39 mb filesize.

Follow the link for the matter of free view of course. Have fun.

free service manual for Triumph Modern Classics
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Street Tracker
I thought making copies and distributing copywrighted works was illegal. I was still curious to see what this PDF file was. I thought maybe it could be someone's personal work collected into one file rather than a copy of an original.

I clicked the link and my virus detection went crazy. I got the heck out of dodge and I am hopeful that I did not catch anything.



I clicked the link and my virus detection went crazy. I got the heck out of dodge and I am hopeful that I did not catch anything.

filefactory is a well know clean site.
what anti V are you using (is it up to date?) and What did the threat log say was the problem.
what browser/ version are you using?

I followed that link and tested both the site and file Using several different types of software.
Both are clean.

Try again. If your anti V got a problem and has a submit report option , DO that.
If you still have problems we can take it from there if you want.


Street Tracker
free user manual Thruxton -Bonneville-Speedmaster Scrambler and America :pd2:covering models until 2008 i beleive as the manual covers only carburetor models...

Thanks a lot. I own the 2002 paperback version, but now I can load the 2006 PDF version on my smartphone...and will no doubt forget I've got it when I need it! Also, it will be much easier to print selected pages of the PDF when I need them.
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Street Tracker
filefactory is a well know clean site.
what anti V are you using (is it up to date?) and What did the threat log say was the problem.
what browser/ version are you using?

I followed that link and tested both the site and file Using several different types of software.
Both are clean.

Try again. If your anti V got a problem and has a submit report option , DO that.
If you still have problems we can take it from there if you want.

MEL... I am using Norton 360. I did get a pop up that had a "submit" option so I clicked OK. The message I received was something regarding the software blocked at virus from attacking. I clicked OK and it popped up again. I will do an update to see if it clears things up??


Two Stroke
Page 1 of the paper manual has explicit instructions on how to make copies, distribute, store on a retrieval system, make into a transmittable format, etc.

It's all there. Page 1.

All you need is prior written consent from Triumph Motorcycles Limited. (Doesn't mention making profit or not anywhere actually.)

So as long as begenuis has it in writing to have "reduced it to a machine readable form" and to "store on a retrieval system", then it's OK.

Here is some good information about copyright law, in greek/english (the little flags at the top right will change the language).

I don't necessarily agree with all intellectual property rights either, but, the law is the law. Arguing that law is as fun to me as arguing the synthetic oil threads, they never come to a productive resolution. Although I don't recall anyone ever being sued or thrown in jail for using or not using synthetic oil (important difference I guess)

My argument is only this: I can replace a $100 manual very easily. Very easily! If this forum gets taken down, that is something I cannot easily replace. Ever.

Maybe a better option is to share it in a less obvious manner? No direct links, just tell people it's available and how to search on google for it? Or even better - tell people you have it and then just take PMs from those interested? Give the dude a little plausible deniability here? I'm just of the mindset that I have learned things in this forum that you will never get out of that manual, and everything I truly needed in that manual, can be found here relatively easily.

If you are going to share, you should do so knowing that it is not legal, what the consequences are, and that you may be putting the owner of this private forum at risk (he may be ok with that anyway, it's between you and him and the authorities). I'm OK with either decision, I just like informed decisions.
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This is the exact same version that's been floating around for some time. Personally I think Triumph would be better offering it as a book on i-Tunes or something rather than letting the public just hand it around. They could keep more control of it, and charge a nominal fee ($5 or something). Then the customer would have a nice, clean, searchable copy and Triumph would get something for their product.


This is total bullshit. I very seriously doubt "begenius" got prior approval to post this file on a "retrieval system" as is expressly FORBIDDEN on page 1, as mentioned earlier. Why would triumph allow this for free from a non-triumph related site? I call bullshit.


hey mondokat ,what are you the publics attorney????
if someone wants to give away his books for free what is your problem?
the world holds back and go in misery because of closemind people like you.
Maybe it is time for you to discover GIVING FOR FREE....
now go buy and pay the Service manual and leave all others here to download it for free.
Ah and keep the bullshit for yourself


I'm not going to get into what is legal and not legal. I have always retained lawyers, bankers, accountants and doctors cus I don't know shit about the professions. The reason I am here is because NBR is a private non commercial no bullshit non judgmental fucking site with really good intelligent riders. The ONE moderator tells it like it is bottom line. That is good enough for me.


free service manual modern classics

Page 1 of the paper manual has explicit instructions on how to make copies, distribute, store on a retrieval system, make into a transmittable format, etc.

It's all there. Page 1.

All you need is prior written consent from Triumph Motorcycles Limited. (Doesn't mention making profit or not anywhere actually.)

So as long as begenuis has it in writing to have "reduced it to a machine readable form" and to "store on a retrieval system", then it's OK.

Here is some good information about copyright law, in greek/english (the little flags at the top right will change the language).

I don't necessarily agree with all intellectual property rights either, but, the law is the law. Arguing that law is as fun to me as arguing the synthetic oil threads, they never come to a productive resolution. Although I don't recall anyone ever being sued or thrown in jail for using or not using synthetic oil (important difference I guess)

My argument is only this: I can replace a $100 manual very easily. Very easily! If this forum gets taken down, that is something I cannot easily replace. Ever.

Maybe a better option is to share it in a less obvious manner? No direct links, just tell people it's available and how to search on google for it? Or even better - tell people you have it and then just take PMs from those interested? Give the dude a little plausible deniability here? I'm just of the mindset that I have learned things in this forum that you will never get out of that manual, and everything I truly needed in that manual, can be found here relatively easily.

If you are going to share, you should do so knowing that it is not legal, what the consequences are, and that you may be putting the owner of this private forum at risk (he may be ok with that anyway, it's between you and him and the authorities). I'm OK with either decision, I just like informed decisions.
Ok schnabba got it
i dont want someone risk for my willness of sharing ,esspecially this friendly site so i unload my pdf from my host server and if someone wants the link Please pm me for details:eek:ff:This file has been deleted.
anyway got banned from host server
Reason: This file is forbidden to be shared.

so untill now whoever haddownloaded the file will be procecuted to court
prepare to support me in jail
(i hope 1000 bonnies to be howling and racing loud outside prison !!)

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Street Tracker that the link is dead does someone want to email me that manual? Or I can download from another place. PM if you can help. Thx.