cleaning/polishing aluminum side covers


I like Dick
The brushed aluminum covers have clear coat over them from the factory to preserve the texture of the brushed look and prevent oxidation...likely a polyurethane coating.
If the clear coat is chipping, you need to strip the covers and recoat. If the covers are in good shape and simply have road tar, grease or other contaminants attached to the clearcoat, but the clearcoat is still intact, you can treat it like you would any paint finish. Degrease with mineral spirits and light polishing compound to restore to original luster and then seal with wax.
Treatment is all based upon condition. For the best advice, post a pic and what your objective is.
PS: If in bad shape, some will strip the covers and not recoat with clear. Some will spend hours on a polisher to create an almost mirror finish...big job. If not recoated aluminum requires more routine polishing to maintain a good look to remove oxidation.
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