And now for something completely different!


Street Tracker


Street Tracker
I love that it's some goofy guy in a denim hat...and clunky hiking boots (Brown to boot...Ha!) riding the damn thing...Wow...I do see it from a fabrication/design/unique POV as amazing...but never ridden!

Oh well...Good on them for making it a reality...I think?


Cool, but what would the ups to it be aside from looks? any extra performance from it? bah.. . . ugly bike with cool wheels


Realy it's not a new, nor an inovative design.
Billy Lane had a rear hubless wheel on a bike a few years ago and everyone was all gaga over it. He explained that it was really just like a hollowed out axle and enlarged. The most difficult part as I understand it was getting a brake set up made to fit .
Still a pretty neat idea, IMHO.
Realy it's not a new, nor an inovative design.
Billy Lane had a rear hubless wheel on a bike a few years ago and everyone was all gaga over it. He explained that it was really just like a hollowed out axle and enlarged. The most difficult part as I understand it was getting a brake set up made to fit .
Still a pretty neat idea, IMHO.

There is some beef between Billy Lane and the guy from Amen, story goes the Amen guy ripped off the idea/engineering from Billy Lane. Billy Lane has an ME degree btw.

The guy from Amen is a nut/asshole/crazy religious tea-totalling zealot btw...


Don't know anything about the guy from Amen, or his beef with Lane.
I was aware that Lane while coming accross as a bit of a wanker is actually well educated and a damn fine enigineer. Too bad he let all the TV junk go to his head and caused the death of that other guy in FL. a couple of years ago.
Wonder if his shop is still in business or if he lost everything in the law suit. He had an interesting philosophy on building with what you had, and making old parts work in different ways.
I'm certainly no chopper fan but he had some cool iron on the streets.