Age, Health, Injuries


Really not trying to lecture to the younger ones in the group but I have regrets the way I treated my body. I'm 60 years young past June. I played 4 years of college hockey and I knew I injured my knees, shoulder and neck. What I should have done in my 30's and 40's was more specalized exercises to strengthen neck should and knees. Instead I ran, pumped weights and ignored my pain. Now I am paying for it especially my neck and left shoulder. I also did A LOT of deep scuba diving and probably pushed the tables for years before we had proper meters. I know have born nicrosis in my hands which probably indicates I did not gas off enough on the deep dives. I guess what I am saying is I wish I paid more attention to what my body was saying to me when I was younger cus its "yelling" at me now.


Sage advice LMT. I wish I wouldn't have engaged in some of the nefarious activities of my youth as well. I'm in the age demographic that you talked about (30-40) and will take your advice.


Two Stroke
I just turned 40, and while I hate to admit it, I'm old(er). By that, I just mean that I can't go play soccer goalkeeper 100% any more, go all out on a bicycle with my knees, and that I need to keep up on the stretching and lighter weights to stay in shape. It is an ego hit to admit these, and while I can still play soccer, but I decided to give it up because I can't play it at the level that I expect myself to perform. But, it's not worth the potential injury any more.


I think I was trying to say we are always going to push some limits when younger. But with what we know today you can counter act some of the damage with diet, specific exercise maybe supplements. I didn't know then what I know now so I 'm paying for it ;-))))


Baseball/softball for 30 years has ruined my throwing shoulder, but most of my problems stem from 42 years of smoking 1 to 2 packs of cigarettes a day, and to show you how smart I am...I'm still puffing away. Wish I'd never started! I don't want to die, but I sure as hell don't want to get so old that I cant' ride or wipe my own ass.


I'm of the opinion that it's your mental attitude that makes all the difference. As a fellow Old Fart I've got pretty much most of the ailments older er, uhhh gentlemen get. And I can tell you it's the mental makeup of a person that makes all the difference. And I firmly believe that swinging a leg over My Bonnie is totally theraputic for me.


Shit, I'm 23 and have chronic back pain hand pain a bad knee, stiff neck. Oye vey, gonna be looking forward to that shit, hell it already hurts to get out of bed every day

Sal Paradise

hmm, methinks I better heed this advice. I'm 45 and hate hate hate to admit it but - starting to get a few "complaints" from my formerly bulletproof unstoppable body, particularly in the knees...LMT I think I will take your advice and find out what excersise to do the strengthen the knees and back.


TT Racer
I think I was trying to say we are always going to push some limits when younger. But with what we know today you can counter act some of the damage with diet, specific exercise maybe supplements. I didn't know then what I know now so I 'm paying for it ;-))))

+1 on that LMT. I'm 62 and over the course of my working life I have injured my back many times. I was always in a hurry to do something and never followed any advise as to exercise. Since May I have "popped" something in my back 3 times and its starting to make riding more difficult. Now a ride of 60 to 100 miles will cause some pain every time. It seems like when it's time to pay the piper for our earlier behavior wisdom finally sets in. A little late good advice for the younger crowd. :up:


The "mental attitude" makes less of a difference or effect as you get older. I wake at 5:00am every day no matter when I go to bed. The first 10 minutes of movement is fucking ridiculous. Its painful and I move like I never thought I would. I wobble out to the kitchen turn on the coffee maker and lie on the family room floor and start to stretch. 15 minutes of that allows me to get a cup of coffee and walk around the bac yard with the dog . Its a good 45 minutes before I feel like I don't walk like quasimoto. I found stretching the back, doing 3-4 kinds of leg lifts with strap on wts and neck exercises and light wts for shoulders every single day helps a lot. When I blow it off for awhile I see a huge difference in a few days. I really like to be with my wife and daughters which makes me want to keep up.......and I want to be able to ride for a lot longer.
'Press on Gentlemen"
PS T-boy quit the fucking cigs


Shit Stroker! I get out of bed to take leaks over the course of a night. Then I sit up in bed and take in a show or two on TV, play with the dogs and walk like Walter Brennan in the Real McCoys for my 1st few steps. We all have "complaints" when we get older and as long as you get nice and loose and are able to walk yer dog you're good to go.


Shit ...Kirkus51.....I fucking forgot about my prostate and the pissing 3 X's a nite. I'm happy to be here. The point of the original post was that I would probably be better off iF I had done some work a few years ago. Thats what the younger gents need to some work so its easier latta on...
I can identify with this. I'm nearly 48 but since I was about 45 by body seems to have aged incredibly. I get up and it sounds like I'm walking on cornflakes with all the cracking and popping going on as my joints & ligaments sort themselves out. Hands out in front of me as my eyes don't come into focus for a good 10 minutes. Reading glasses for the past 18 months and let's not even think about the memory (or lack thereof).

My Dad has just celebrated his 80th last month and he said to me that mentally, he's stuck at around age 25. I can relate to that.

Yeah, T-Boy - quit the fucking cigs! I did with the help of Zyban and it'll be 5 years this Xmas since I last had a smoke and I really don't miss it.

Cheers and good health(?),


Sal Paradise

My Dad has just celebrated his 80th last month and he said to me that mentally, he's stuck at around age 25. I can relate to that.


+1 . Thats funy. My self image is stuck at 25 as well. I get shocked when I see that grey haired guy in the mirror. By the way, nice to see you around here again.


Funny posts on this subject.

I'll be 66 tomorrow :hurt: and cannot begin to list all the aches and pains I live with every day. All of them bring back some great memories of how I earned them :eeek:

I guess as long as I can feel them , it's gotta be better than the alternative.:)


Street Tracker
had a career ending injury (multiple) at 37. Ruptured tricep tendon, torn bicep tendon and torn labrum in two spots. got anchors in my elbow and wires hold tri back in place. 39 now and still could use another surgery. feel my shoulder hurting on longer rides. I know this could only get worse but i sure dont want any shoulder surgery.


Hey Gretch;

Just how much snake oil is that program ??

As far as I can tell we all age differently, good nutrition and regular exercise are the only things that actually work . The rest of that stuff is a bunch of hooey, I think.