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  1. slowgator

    I'll show you mine if you'll show me your's! PICTURE THREAD

    Very cool vid! Who is the soundtrack? Fits nicely. FWIW, I keep my Bonny spinning a bit higher than that mellow ride!:)
  2. slowgator

    Doing the math

    I also bought my T100 new in 2007 and replaced the original battery a few months ago after it died suddenly. Bonny sleeps indoors and gets hooked up to the tender after each ride.
  3. slowgator

    How (NOT) to Load a Bike on Pick-up

    I'm reminded why I've never been tempted to try this...
  4. slowgator

    Famous Men and Motorcycles Yo

    Sometimes something worth reading shows up on Facebook yo! Lotsa Trumps! :kewl:
  5. slowgator


    Koi Farm Koi, took a run up to the Outback Crab Shack on SR 13 yesterday; great day for a ride and you know that road is one of the best in our neck of the woods! On the way home we took US 17 and passed a place with a "Koi Farm" sign just off the highway and wondered if that was your place...
  6. slowgator

    honest bonnie review

    Honest indeed!:cheers:
  7. slowgator

    Heat Problems with High Pipes on Scram?

    Good guess but not likely; he is a marathon runner weighing in at 144 lbs...;)
  8. slowgator

    Heat Problems with High Pipes on Scram?

    My riding bud rides an '07 Scram with low miles (@10K) and recently had Arrows installed. On a group ride last week, his Scram died and had to be towed to a dealer in Tallahassee. Only one cylinder is firing. Upon initial inspection, the mechanic suspects a coil. My bud is thinking the...
  9. slowgator

    Babes On Bikes *NSFW*

    ...and with 433 pages and counting, that's saying something eh? :cheers:
  10. slowgator

    Barking Dogs

    That freaking barking dog next door was relentless... almost like Chinese water torture. Makes you wonder why anyone would want a critter like that and just let them bark and bark endlessly. The neighbor said she didn't appreciate the sheriff coming around so I told her it was very simple...
  11. slowgator

    Barking Dogs

    Thanks for the heads-up; I'll be sure not to call him that since he's bigger than me! Actually, as a squid I ain't no stranger to messin' with jarheads! Good luck in the neighborhood; these things seem to have a way of working out...
  12. slowgator

    Barking Dogs

    Dude! You have absolutely nothing to feel terrible about; you stood up for your right to peace and quiet in your own home! What's bad about that? You tried talking to them to no avail, so you took the next option as I did. Just an update, psycho-bitch and her ugly, snarling, barking dogs have...
  13. slowgator

    A word of appreciation

    What makes this work is we all abide... or else! Speaking of The Dude, just finished "The Dude and the Zen Master" which provides an interesting perspective on Dudeism. Gotta love Jeff Bridges; the Dude abides! Cheers Mates and give it a look! :cheers...
  14. slowgator

    Babes On Bikes *NSFW*

    I'll take that green Thrux, thank you! Beautiful!
  15. slowgator

    baby it's cold outside

    Well said buddy! I am planning a trip down to the southwest coast myself this week... maybe no twisties or mountains to climb but those back-country roads cry out and Bonny needs to stretch her legs! January? No problem! We oughtta meet up at The Oasis one day soon! And Bike Week Daytona is...
  16. slowgator

    baby it's cold outside

    Can't have it all but I'll take year-round riding any day! Believe it or not, there are some nice back-country roads left in Florida if ya know where to find 'em!
  17. slowgator

    baby it's cold outside

    ... and Florida!
  18. slowgator

    Seasons Greetings

    Cheers Mates!
  19. slowgator

    Moto test ride .. oops

    Sorry, my bad...shoulda looked before posting...
  20. slowgator

    Moto test ride .. oops

    DOH! Hate when that happens. At any rate, worth another look; I viewed it several times to try to figure out what happened. Got the link from a motorcycle-based email titled "Are Saddlebags Evil"? Apparently the rider was not familiar with the protruding saddlebags, one of which nudged the...
  21. slowgator

    Moto test ride .. oops

    That Musta Hurt!
  22. slowgator

    Babes On Bikes *NSFW*

    No wonder motocross is so dangerous...
  23. slowgator

    Babes On Bikes *NSFW*

    Nuttin' wrong with a slow ride!:c
  24. slowgator

    I'll show you mine if you'll show me your's! PICTURE THREAD

    What a wonderful bonding experience for you and your son! Shades of "Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"! Good job Monty! He will be riding that Bonnie before you know it!:ride: