Recent content by bonnaz

  1. bonnaz

    Happy Birthday, Pepper!!

    Happy Birthday Pepper! Yeah I know it's late, but first time online in a few days. and Congrats on another year. I'll raise a cold one in yer honor tonight after work.......
  2. bonnaz

    Bonnie Bret's down

    Bret, I hope you are mending up good, Take care and I'll raise one for you to a speedy recovery.
  3. bonnaz

    Halloween traditions

    growing up in the colder climates, I remember the few Halloweens that had snow on the ground. that was when you got the white sheet, cut the eyeholes out, then lay about waiting to scare the little kids as they walked by. any dropped candy was fair game
  4. bonnaz

    Boots...and a one eyed dog!?

    Bates tactical boots for me thanks
  5. bonnaz

    Music...own up to it...

    Some of the stuff I listen to but get crap for from about everyone.... Reverend Horton Heat, The Cramps, The Meteors, White Stripes. Some of the fav's that seem to be on the playlist every single day.... Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Johnny Cash, Peter Tosh. the family just doesn't understand the...
  6. bonnaz

    Hello! From the UK!

    Welcome from the desert... Arizona
  7. bonnaz

    Indian launch

    A couple in the local dealer
  8. bonnaz

    Indian launch

    I saw some of the new Indians at a local dealer a few months ago. Gotta say they sure are nice looking! I would love to have one in the stable, go figure. the one on their start page is very classic. Heres a classic one I caught up on a New Years Day ride to Tortilla Flats
  9. bonnaz

    Dying breed?

    Ice cold Coors Light is my beer of choice, well, at home anyway.... a tequila man myself, nothing beats some good sipping tequila.
  10. bonnaz

    Going to get my new bonnie one thrusday.

    congratulations on the new bonnie!
  11. bonnaz

    Added MBars

    I too have found the "M" bars were an excellent choice. been thinking of getting the rear sets, but for now am content with using the rear pass. pegs when away from heavy congestion.
  12. bonnaz

    Anyone ever want to just leave?

    Excellent thread... I did the get up and go back in 88. packed everything in my beat up Subaru, (shipped my 750 Seca down), said good-bye to the mountains of Utah and moved to the desert of Arizona. Had to get away from the environment (bad influences, too much partying, etc..) so one day just...
  13. bonnaz

    I'll show you mine if you'll show me your's! PICTURE THREAD

    sanjuro, how well do the mirrors work flipped like that? been thinking of trying it, just never got around to it............... yet
  14. bonnaz

    Arizona Riders

    '09 T100 here in East Mesa, Sal, if you haven't done so before, gotta make the ride up to Tortilla Flats, for one. plenty of sweet rides here in the desert, as long as you get out of the valley during the warm months. another favorite is from Phx to Prescott, the back way.
  15. bonnaz

    A gorgeous day in Florida

    not to rub it in or anything...........