A gorgeous day in Florida


Well it was 29 deg when I left for work at 7am this morning . Pulled the choke pressed the button she done her little pop from the TORs ( which also sets off a few car alarms , no big deal though ) It was indeed a cold ride to work this morning for me and the bike , I didnt mind it but the bike sure did .


It's All Relative...

Well it was 29 deg when I left for work at 7am this morning . Pulled the choke pressed the button she done her little pop from the TORs ( which also sets off a few car alarms , no big deal though ) It was indeed a cold ride to work this morning for me and the bike , I didnt mind it but the bike sure did .

My T100 seems to thrive the cooler weather in north-central Florida. Had her out yesterday for a late afternoon gallop after her recent 12K service. I swear she runs better now than new!



It was chilly here as well, light frost last couple of nights but I did get one quick ride in mid-afternoon yesterday...and remembered why I don't like riding in freezing weather...I think it was high fifties but still cold in the wind chill...it may warm up slightly the next few days so there may be another chance.....
Bonnie does seem to start up just fine though, and warms up quickly, I think she likes the cooler weather....
And Happy New Year to you all......

And after posting that I went outside to find a nice sunny and warm (65) degree day, faced with the inevitable decision to either do some chores around the barn and house or ride....Meh....so I'll do the chores later (he said while uncovering the bike and taking off the battery tender)......aaahhhh yes.....what another day in paradise does for the soul.....
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Today in Colorado (last day) probably won't get much above freezing. Heading home to Maryland tonight, same thing!


5 degrees here but it is sunny and pleasant
I'll go sit on the BSA in the basement and go trap shooting tonight