The Art of Happiness

Sal Paradise

I saw this, and thought it was a fluff piece. Now reading it again, I see its got a message. Thanks for bringing it up. I looked up the book on Amazon and read a few pages. Its good. I think there definately is a connection between riding and zen buddhism. By the way it may "technically" be a religion but as far as my training has gone in zen, I have found it to be mostly a way of mind training. I have found zen to be a source of happiness , or rather just a method for revealing the happiness that I already have, that we all have.

So, I am asking this now and I am truly curious - Are you happy?
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So, I am asking this now and I am truly curious - Are you happy?

Excellent question Sal and I truly wonder how many of us have a clue to the right answer. To find something, it helps to know what you are looking for.

My youngest daughter is taking a class on the Dalai Lama in the Spring, so I gave her my copy of "The Art of Happiness" to give her a head start. I had given it to my eldest daughter a while back, but she admitted that she never read it. Kids.

Speaking for myself, since I retired almost two years ago, I have never been happier. Simply put, for the first time in my life I do what I want WHEN I want to do it. I eat when I'm hungry and drink when I'm thirsty. I evoke your namesake, Sal, with my email signature:

"Enlightenment: doing what you want and eating what there is." - Jack Kerouac

'Nuff said.

ps: As far as a "fluff piece", the article seemed heartfelt to me. Maybe because it SO reflected my own experience, including pins, plates and screws in the ankle and all. :hurt:


No fluff for me.....I liked the read.....I have been looking at my 61 years pretty hard lately for some reason.

Nuttin' wrong with a close examination of your past... as long as it doesn't hinder your future. Way I see it, if you are still happy riding your Bonnie at 61, you must be doing something right! :c


Slowg....very happy with my rides. Not dwelling on the past. Tis what is Tiss and I wouldn't change much. I think the pondering is trying to re work the body a little. Still doing 2.5 to 5 miles a day fast walk. Lost the 30lbs, still gone, diet good, still get garage beers while workin. It is the neck, shoulder, knee, BP, swollen knuckles and morning pain.
Apologies...rambling did not mean highjack.


Gotcha. I build my days around a 5 mile walk as well... and I've found a few natural remedies that help with the aches and pains you described... keep it movin' and get those endorphins flowing!