Bonnie or Bonnie SE

Hello everybody,

I am a newbie here but have been reading some great information and insight from all of the post.

I am only a few months away from getting a new (2011 or 2012) Bonnie Black.

My question: is the Bonnie SE in black that much of a difference than a Bonnie Black? Do I really need the extra items for $700 more or should I take that $700 and put new pipes on it or any other items that you think are more important to start off with? I only have a limited amount of money at first and then I can add things as time goes by and money is available to spend.

Real question in short: What do you guys think is the most important items to do to a brand new Bonnie first?:confused:

Nice meeting you guys and thanks for any input!


IMHO the suspension would be the 1st upgrade, transforms the bike as far as handling and better ride go. Welcome to the Bonnie world.


Street Tracker
Menzies is right on that. Decent rear suspension can be had for a couple hundred bucks and makes a world of difference on the ride. Intake and Exhaust are always easy and beneficial upgrades too.


I bought the basic black Bonnie and added a small tach kit and a few other accessory items, and couldn't be happier.


Street Tracker
The bonne se is more of a cosmetic upgrade but as indicated if you like the stock one spend the cash on some rear shocks and exhausts. I have a bonne se and decided that I really like the extra bits hear and there and trying to upgrade the stock one upto the same as a se would cost a lot more. The choice is personal, welcome and enjoy whatever decision you make.

Kindest Regards Ben Dickens



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Test ride both of them and choose the one you like best. A few months of ownership will give you a better idea of what modifications you want to make first.


the SE also has the smaller front wheel.... you get a 17" front not a 19".... along with the alloy tubeless and not the spokes/tubes. Handling will be a bit different because of the size of the front wheel.

The extra $$$ could be used for upgrades - always a plus!
I chose the basic black over se for a couple reasons.
1. Price of course. The extra money can be used on any number of modifications that you'll no doubt embark on very quickly.
2. I prefer no tach for the cleaner simpler, single gauge look.

Really though, if you feel better about the addons and intend to keep them, pay the extra up front for the SE because it costs more to get them later. But if you are going to replace the addons or intend to modify the bike to where those addons don't make any difference then go with the Black and don't turn back.


Street Tracker
The bonne se is more of a cosmetic upgrade but as indicated if you like the stock one spend the cash on some rear shocks and exhausts. I have a bonne se and decided that I really like the extra bits hear and there and trying to upgrade the stock one upto the same as a se would cost a lot more. The choice is personal, welcome and enjoy whatever decision you make.

Kindest Regards Ben Dickens


I have Hagon Nitro Shocks and a Thruxton Gel Seat they are worth the extra bucks for comfort and reasonable on the pocket, shop around as it can save you hundreds! Hope this helps mate kindest regards Ben Dickens:fight3::brit:


SE no longer an option, rode both and for me at 5-8" the base with 17" wheels handles better, actually lighter and a higher comp for 2012 or maybe all maggies according to my triumph service manual