F3 Swap

Oh hell yeah! I'm a little jealous man! Nice work on the headlight ears and the front fender. Hell, nice job on the whole thing!
So after a shit ton of looking for a decent priced small digital speedo which has a odometer that doesn't look like it came out of a cereal box, I've realized I'm probably going to have to drop some cash..

Any objections to this? It will tuck away nicely. Black housing, naturally.

Man, I have spent dozens of hours researching gauge options. My ultimate rock-hard boner of a gauge is the Motogadget Chronoclassic. I just can't justify spending the money.


Street Tracker
No doubt. Acewell has one that's pretty nice too, but the chronoclassic still murders it. They're just too proud of it. I'd rather spend the money on something I can feel a difference in..


If you machined the top triple and could drop that gauge down into it, it'd be totally bitching. I'm thinkin I want to go that route. If only they had one that functioned as a tach as well.


damnnit. I am going to be broke for some time. Now to find a machinist to carve out a spot in my top triple clamp.


Street Tracker
OR...get D9 to make a bracket that suits......

That's what I plan to do. Nestle it neatly right between the stock mounting tabs. We had been working on something to utilize my stock tach, but I might as well sell it and go for the lowest profile.


Street Tracker
Motogadget motoscope mini ordered. I'll be sure to post a video of it once it is installed. I hate spending that much on a gauge.. but what do you do? Luckily my selling of extra parts covered it.


Motogadget motoscope mini ordered. I'll be sure to post a video of it once it is installed. I hate spending that much on a gauge.. but what do you do? Luckily my selling of extra parts covered it.

Jeramy.....let us know how the hook up works....moto look incredible and if the engineering is up to the looks you have the best IMO.


I could get a bracket made, but I think it'd be bitchin if it dropped straight into the top triple. then I could downsize the headlight and bring everything in closer.


Street Tracker
I hear ya on dropping it in the triple. JG's thrux is the shit. But, I think I'm just going to take the easier route on this one! Not like it's a big unit that will show.. and it has a black housing so it will get lost in the black mass that is my front end.

I don't think I'll ever downsize the headlight, unless it was just to a scram unit. For some reason I love the big ass stock units.


Street Tracker
Gauge is in. May hook it up this evening. D9 bracket is in the works! Check out that size reference!


Street Tracker
Motogadget up and running! Just waiting on word from D9 about the bracket. It is temporarily held in place by electrical tape. I love the fact that it completely disappears unless you're in the seat. I scored some clip ons for a good price too.. so that and the seat pan should be coming in within the next week. Selling parts that I wasn't going to use anymore has really fueled the Bonnie forward!


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Street Tracker
Dude...you're going nuts on that bike!!

Well the seatpan came from some of the funds I received by selling the thruxton seat and cowl which I had traded some bars and the stock bonnie headers for.. with the money from selling the stock forks, I grabbed the motogadget... and the clip ons are coming from a bit of what I received when selling the wheels. So after all the mods I'm still coming out on top. I can live with that!