Rant: Dickhead on a Sportster


Street Tracker
OK, so the psychiatrist down at the VA's been tellin me to get it out: "don't keep it bottled up: express yourself." Get that anger out there (to infect the public at large, I presume). So here's a little story to piss you off like it did me.

I'm on my way home today from a short ride down some cosmic cool backroads. I'm in the residentials, speed limit is 40, I'm doing 40, it's about 4p.m., and this KOMPLEAT FREAKIN ASSHOLE goes blastin by me on a Sporty, doing maybe 70 mph. He gets maybe 200 yards in front of me, does a U-turn and blows by me going the other way, again at well over the posted legal. Fucker grinned and waved! I ignored, eased on back to the hacienda. Once parked in the driveway, here comes Captain Fuckhead again, doing 70+ through the residentials. Dumb Bastid.

#1) Don't be haulin ass through the residentials! There are WAY too many kitty-cats, puppy-dogs, self-absorbed soccer moms (who think they can't drive without a cell phone jammed into their heads), and CHILDREN running around. It's 4p.m., Shitferbrains! The Brat Patrol (school bus) had gone through a few minutes earlier, so you KNOW the little punks are out there in great profusion. Speed limits exist in residential areas for a reason, Dickhead. There's all kind of stuff here that'll land you in the fuckin MORGUE. IF your stupid non-helmet-wearin ass is LUCKY, you'll just end up in the hospital. You nail one of those afore-mentioned dipshit soccer moms, or God forbid, a kid, your ass is going UNDER the fucking jail as soon as it's out of intensive care. Moron.


#3) These middle-aged, aint-rode-a-bike-since-1974 idiots should have to pass some kind of IQ test before HD can sell them their very own murdercycles. I've seen teenagers on 100+ horsepower sportbikes, and lord knows they're dead from the neck up (along with their parents), but some of these overaged punks on Billet Barges really should get their Darwin Award Sweepstakes entry cards along with their registrations (cause you KNOW they aint got a fuckin motorcycle license). JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE FIGURED OUT HOW TO MANIPULATE THE CONTROLS, DON'T THINK YOU CAN FUCKIN RIDE!!!!!!!!

End of rant, thank you for your kind attention. Damn, I feel better.
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Street Tracker

I was heading into the downtown area on my bike (always a good number of pedestrians). Two guys in their matching leather "Confederacy" (yea, its Louisiana) vests ride up in the lane next to me at the light. Light turns green. They both hammer it through the crosswalks and congested areas. I mean, who doesn't like to gun it? But there's a time and a place for that. I'm 23. They were probably late 50's - 60's or so. Shouldn't it be the other way around?


Two Stroke
With me its usually the crotch rockets doing that shit and the noisy ass Harleys that won't get the fuck out of my way.


We have a douche bag on our street that hauls ass on a super loud four wheeler that is gonna get me pissed, I have decided to talk to him about it next time he comes by.


Any occupation that puts you on the road for over an hour a day will put you in touch with assholes who have permission by the State to drive vehicles and piss you off. Bonafide is right. You gotta put a mental bullet in em and let em go by. You can't let dicks ruin you ride or your day.