How Not To Stop


Street Tracker


I wonder....... If the guy live to have a few more zeros behind his age ...... Will he have fond memories of his halcyon motorcycle days??


NBR founder
Kirkus - I was thinking the same thing. I'm absolutely amazed I lived through my 20s ... and managed to stay out of jail.


Yes we all have uh errors in judgement in our wasted youth, but us old farts (no insults intended) go through something called "remembering the good ole days". It hits those of us who didn't actually die in our wasted youth and we recall them with fondness. This is sort of a wonderful mistake we make since we don't recall the bumps, bruises and broken bones we got in our youth.


At 60 now I look back and I am thankful that I didn't hurt anyone or hurt or kill myself. In the late 60's I rode around on a Honda and a Bonne with a t-shirt jeans adida's no gloves and an open face helmet that didn't fit. I rode to fast, after drinking some beer and well you all know the drill. Then is my 20's I was completely bullet proof doing some very very deep scuba diving on compressed air and I should be dead. It wasn't until 2 very good friends died tragically when I was in my 30's that I realized how easy it is to screw up and disappear altogether.