Bonneville iron butt

I rode my 09 T100 from Florida to Colorado. I have the 19 tooth sprocket and a full set of Hepco Becker luggage, and a Garmin Zumo 550..The bike get 57mpg.. I rode with 2 guys on there BMWs to get there. I ended up heading back alone and decided to see how far I could go before stopping.. I left Colorado springs at around 12 pm on Saturday and hit alot of rain coming out of New Mexico and it followed me almost to Amarillo TX. After that the weather was good.. I rode through the night and saw the sun come up just south of Memphis Tenn. The weather turned to wind and rain again as I got near the Alabama coast, the remnents of the storm called Bonnie.. I turned around to ride out of it and then headed east to hopefully get on the back side of it.. I have a good riding siut to keep dry (Aerostich) but I just hate being near cars.. That worked out good and then the ride was pretty clear after that besides a few rain showers that I rode right through quickly.. I got home and covered 1683 miles in 27 hours.. I was ready to get off the bike !! The bike did great.. I have the stock seat on it also.. I now have over 22K trouble free miles on the bike.. I have done rides like this before, (1601 miles in 24 hours) but on my 1974 Suzuki GT750 two stroke.. I will say the Triumph was a much better ride.. I even rode my Triumph to the annual two stroke rally at Deals Gap in May. I did see one Silver Bonneville on the road Sunday morning in Mississippi, but he was heading North..
Overall, it was a lot of fun and now I am figuring where my next ide will take me.

Allen... Rideaholic
IBA 21871


Iron Butt guy in the house

57mpgs is pretty good, is your 09 all stock?

Just saw your other thread.. put the TORs on your bike and the FI will compensate and itll sound better. Whens you next little trip?
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Way to go Iron Butt. I don't understand guys going non-stop, but I do admire the sheer will it takes.

It would not be fun for me.


TT Racer
You are UNREAL man. Fantastic!!!
Tell me something, when you get near a magnet does it fly to your butt?:up::up:

Keith Harding

Two Stroke
That sounds astounding!
"I left Colorado springs at around 12 pm on Saturday and hit alot of rain coming out of New Mexico and it followed me almost to Amarillo TX. After that the weather was good.. I rode through the night and saw the sun come up just south of Memphis Tenn."... I live in Australia - details of riding across the USA sound highly desirable and that description sounds like one of the most evocative pieces of motorcycle writing I've come across.
Keith.... Here is a link to a ride that I did not too long ago that got published in Motorcycle Classics magazine.. I did the ride on a 1974 Suzuki GT750 twostroke.. My wife and I rode almost 8K miles in 22 days on it.. Rode through 21 states plus Canada and the Canadian Rockies.. There is also an image gallery to see some pictures.. ... GT750.aspx

Also if you go to you can see a lot more GT picures and another one is is a 5K mile ride I did on the Bonneville a week after the GT tour..
Now if I could only make a living riding these bikes !!! Hmm, maybe I could talk my wife into getting a good "second" job..:chair:

Allen....... Rideaholic
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I got home and covered 1683 miles in 27 hours.. >>>

Did you do all that IB documentation stuff or just do it for fun?
I may have a 1650 mile run to Boulder coming up and wondered about nailing 1000 in a day on the Scrambler.
750ish was my limit on the Bonnie or any other bike.

Hi Dave...... This time I just did it to get home in a hurry as I was concerned about the storm coming up the gulf of Mexico (Bonnie)... I have done the 1500+ mile day 4 times now.. The only one I did register with the IBA was the one I did on the 74 Suzuki 750.. When I am riding alone I end up being on a mission to get to the destination.. With no one to talk to I do not like stopping to get a room for $80-100 for just a few hours of rest.. I do bring a sleeping bag and camping gear and have stopped and rested on picnic tables, parking lots or find a campsite if needed.... I would rather use it for gas or food.. If I am traveling with someone, I won't torture them and will stop to get room if they want. My wife has done a few 1K mile days with me but prefers to stop after 500 miles.

Allen..... The not right rider ....:scooter: