Reasons NOT to buy a Bonneville...


Two Stroke
Ok guys

Here's the challenge. I'm a 46 year old mid life crisis candidate and last rode in 1982 when I wrote of a Yamaha 350 LC whilst trying to emulate Barry Sheen around Cadwell Park racing track. I haven't sat on a bike since until a couple of weeks ago, when after an intensive course I passed my bike test. Oh how I wish I'd taken it in 1982 when it consisted of a quick ride around the block and a tenner in the examiners pocket.

Anyway, I digress, back to my question. In 1981 my now brother in law turned up at our house one day on a Triumph Bonneville T120. It was love at first sight and I promised myself that one day I would own a Bonnie. So having sorted the legal riding stuff out, why haven;t I gone out and bought one? I've no idea to be honest. I guess there's a little more choice than I anticipated, i.e. T100, Se, America etc.

However, what I'm looking for from all you great and good Bonnie owners is to give me reasons why I SHOULDN'T buy a 'newish' Triumph Bonneville

I know it's a bit of a strange question, but I think I've already answered all the reasons why I want one, I just need to know if there are any downsides.

Over too you...

Cheers guys


Street Tracker
if you're a bitter old man who doesnt want any joy in his life then dont get one

and the world is gonna end in 2012 anyway so why bother

oh, and welcome to the forum :welcome:


TT Racer
No reason at all to not buy one. Do your wallet a favor and pick-up a nice used one...a lot of good choices out there. Oh excuse me..pre-owned.


Two Stroke
So far so good... Just the kind of replies I was looking for.

Have only just realised that this seems to be an American forum, so some of my references in my original post might not make any sense, particulary the race track which is in 'Little Old England'

However, I won't hold it against you, I value your opinions just as much as any Limey...


Since you have all ready lived most of your life in boring middle class existence, probably doing all the right things you are destined to remain in limbo for your few remaining days.:eeek:

Do not buy a new Bonneville unless you are prepared to face the consequences of , hot chicks chatting you up:kiss:, old geezers holding up your riding at every fuel stop regaling you with there own tales of misspent youth. :worthy:
Your Harley riding middle aged friends who will be jealous because your bike gets all the attention at coffee shops , but they have chrome. They will also have far fewer miles on the clock than your Bonneville, and still not get it.:huh:


Reasons not to buy a Bonnie:
1. You hate to smile
2. You can't stand beauty
3. Fun is a no-no

Seriously, I have yet to regret my choice/purchase for a moment...and welcome!


Two Stroke
You gotta remember though, I'm British and we don't know how to have fun... Stiff *cough* upper lip and all that by jove...

Well it seems so far the 'Ayes' have it... but you never know, there may be an owner out there who can remove the emotion and answer my question in a purely objective non biased way...

Lone Trumpet

Street Tracker
Reasons not to buy a 'newish' Triumph Bonneville:

British Customs
Triumph Performance USA

...and the list just goes on and on.

Seriously, I got back into bikes after a 20+ year hiatus too. I owned quite a few bikes back in the day, and it took me several tries before I settled on a Bonnie. No other bike I've ever owned made we want to improve upon it with aftermarket goodies and factory accessories. So be warned that it can become almost addicting. On the other hand, no other bike I've ever owned has given me as many trouble-free miles, or as much joy to ride. I probably clock 4 or 5 times the miles on this bike... it's that much fun to ride.


Welcome to the site...
I also got back to riding after a long break....
There are NO reasons to not buy a Bonneville.....


I like Dick
Simple truth Ark is a bonny is a pure motorcycle...std riding position, adequate power, good handling, easy to work on and modify, reliable and beautiful to look at...all for a very reasonable price. Hard to beat combination.

Keep in mind, the T100 and America are very different motorcycles. If you are into spirited riding, consider the Thruxton or T100. Many end up cafe-ing their T100's in the direction of the Thruxton as their riding evolves so another consideration even if you are prone to dismiss the Thruxton initially, more than not head there in the end. :)
You can pick up a low miles bonny in this economy for a song and hard to go wrong.

Reason not to buy a bonneville? If you have a thing for pirate costumes. (inside joke)


A reason not to buy a Bonneville? You'll have trouble wiping the grin off your face. You have to endure the glancing looks at stop lights from Harley riders.


Two Stroke can't think of one reason not to buy one, sorry.


Out of interest, why the 'glancing looks from Harley riders'?

They were wishing that they had bought the Triumph instead :)

But really the Triumphs are great bikes, I am on number 4, my first was a 1974 Trident, 1995 T-Bird, 2004 Bonnie and now a 2006 Scrambler. Everytime I go to the bike shops to look at bikes I just don't see anything that I like as much as the Triumphs.


I like Dick
Out of interest, why the 'glancing looks from Harley riders'?

Other thing Ark, is...many of the bonny owners here...not all, remember the early bonneville like yourself. Early bonnies including the Honda CB 750 that displaced it have a very neutral riding position. What has since evolved in motorcycling is quite different...the cruiser which is mostly an American phenomena...which is style based with longer rake and wheelbase and lower rear suspension with nowhere to put your feet so they go out in front without much back support and hence the "America" and sport bikes with their rolled forward and feet back riding position...the polar opposite or a racing position which is the evolution of early cafe bikes. The bonneville is in the middle where it started. Also, sport bikes which are a hoot btw mostly have wind protection in the form of fairings. These make the bike more slippery and you are more protected...but...they make the bike a lot harder to work on and you have to ride them a lot faster to get the same speed sensation. Its great to have choices and the bonneville resonates with older riders in particular because of its elemental charm. I like to ride with sport bike guys more than cruiser guys because I enjoy safe spirited riding and they generally like the bonny as well, even the young guys.
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Here's the bottom line mate.....if you do not buy a Bonneville, every man jack on this forum will hunt you down and hurt you! Not only that, your wife will leave, your mother will disown you ,your Father will cut you out of the will, aside from that you will always feel the guilt of non Bonneville ownership, this guilt will render you impotent forever or until you actually own one!
Your house may burn down when you leave on holiday, your dog will die, your cat will turn into a fierce claw and tooth animal that will latch on to your gonads and claw them to shreds.
You will be the laughing stock of your neighborhood and as you ride around in your beater cage they will point and laugh at you, talk about you when you are gone and ignore you totally.
Your local pub will not allow you to drink there anymore, for that matter you will lose your taste for a pint.
I could go on but you get the post pictures of your Bonneville as soon as you are the owner.
We will be watching you!


It is all over but the paying...
you didn't know it, but you have already decided.
The only real choice is what color.