Customer Service 101 from PureTriumph

So i don't post here alot, but I do visit here everyday and troll attempting to fill my brain with bike knowledge from the group. I've recently had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled and that's left me waking up in the middle of the night in pain reaching for the vicodin. In the wee hours waiting for the meds to kick-in I've been planning the next cheapo bling bits for the Scrammy and in a drug induced haze pulled the trigger on a few bits and bobs from PureTriumph the other night.
I got to the checkout and bashed-in my payment details only to be faced with a mixed message saying that I had successfully placed my order, then a bunch of DB rubbish error this, flux capacitor that. etc.
Like a total nube I thought maybe it's a Mac thing, maybe it's a vicodin thing and I browser backed, and re-submitted the order to be faced with the same, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that" error messages.
By this time I had hit the sweet spot with the vicodin and plodded off back to bed without giving it a second thought.
The next morning I checked in on the bank only to see that actuality the order had been placed twice...bollocks. 259$ x2 was bit of a bummer.

I sent an e-mail with screenshots of the previous nights web ordering fiasco and waited to hear back. Getting impatient (it was bloody early when I e-mailed), I rang Pure Triumph and spoke to Mike. Mike trurned out to be the same person whom I'd e-mailed...what are the odds.
He knew of the issue and in minutes had both orders reversed and placed a new one with a receipts number/order number for the new order and even faxed me the cancelled orders confirmations in the event the bank didn't play nice. I even went as far as to ask him if they price matched as I'd looked around and found the 3 items 20$ cheaper elsewhere but was hesitant to buy them in the event the two orders had gone through the previous night.
Not only did he match the price diff, he also knocked a few bob off the shipping.

Long story short, kudos to Mike at Pure Triumph for helping out a twat and giving great customer service.
I've ordered from a few Triumph websites and like to give mention when the experience is decent.:cheers:


It always makes me feel good that there are people out there that still believe in good customer service.


TT Racer
Mike is a great guy. I've met him and use to hang out at the shop frequently on saturdays just to get away from my office. Sadly I'm not in the area anymore because I can not think of another Triumph place that I enjoyed as much. Everyone there is awesome.

Nick Morey

I've bought a few things from PureTriumph, they are top notch. Fast service and appear to have a large inventory so you are less likely to have your stuff put on back order. :up: