Before I Grow Too Old


Cafe Racer
Getting ready to ride the bike down to Tokyo to get the vehicle import test done so I have been sitting around here with a perfectably good Triumph a few feet away but can't ride it. I decided to put my energy into something that kept me busy for a little while...hope you enjoy it.
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Hamr Mark

TT Racer
Dude, tried to watch the video, but I had to sign in, then it said the vid is private.....

So...what's the vid aboot?


Street Tracker
I love it!
I assume that's you singing? Did you write the song?

Treasure those family shots, Tang. Priceless!


Cafe Racer
I wish it was me singing but that wouldn't be honest...I can play the guitar but I can't hold a tune to save my life. That song was done by Joe Strummer...the former singer/guitar player for the Clash for those that might not know who passed away recently. Thanks for the compliment though and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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What a great video......what a beautiful are one lucky dude my NBR friend. One thing I can tell you is IMHO the never get "to old" just gets better especially raising the child. My daughter Cameron turns 13 June 26th and it was just yesterday I was holding her, she was 3 minutes old....she was calm her eyes were open and we were staring at each other.
Sorry...didn't mean to ramble....hug and kiss them both as much as you can.
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