Tucson Vintage Motorycle Riders Bike Show & Swap Meet

I'll be there Skeeter,and would bet Flaco will be there with his beautiful green Bonnie as well.
It was a great turn-out last year.


Street Tracker
Dorie and I are planning to ride down. Taking the back way (79/77). Her folks live in Tucson so we'll probably blast out of here Friday mid day or so, spend most of the weekend with them and then hit the show on the way out.


This sounds like some good times. If I go, maybe some of us who live in the phoenix area could meet up and ride down together? Just an idea.


I look forward to meeting all the local NBR members Sunday!



I'll be bringing my truck so if anyone who rides down from the Phoenix area wants to buy parts or whatever at the swap meet I can bring them back for you.


Oh! My apoligies to you all! I pm'ed Skeeter and he said he would help out getting the word out about the TVMR Bike Show and Swap Meet. Thanks bro! We ride south to Bisbee all the time... One of my best riding (MG) buddies lives in Bisbee... We all do a 225 mile loop in the "spring" and then my "Show-Low" AZ ride in the first of May... (Probably the 1st weekend in May) Three days and two nights!
I have been so busy as a "one legged man in an ass kicking contest" following my third surgery in 3 months... I'm back to work after 4 months out.. Shit! My youngest son (24) broke his wrist, had surgery and pins...Then my dearly beloved wife had her arthritic right hand pinned and screwed!:eeek:Shit! Were not disabled, just physically challenged!
The good L__d has blessed us with great freinds and family w/ their collections and contributions to the "Save the Flaco Fund"...
Sketter, Bonnie Bret and Pepper better be there! I'll be at the registration booth for a while then off to judge...
I've been putting away a little savings "nest egg" after 17 years w/ the "Company" and I'm putting on a new "Dual Pack" Goodman AC and heater pack on my AZ flat roof... Oh yeah... My sons and I are also putting in new front and back entry doors as well as painting the interior of the house...
I wish Steve and his "Rat Bike" as well as LMT's builds would be here...
They just might get my vote!
I'll be around and post more as I am on the "right side of the dirt!"


Hey, Flaco! Sorry to hear about you guys but glad to hear you're on the rebound. I look forward to meeting you Sunday. See ya there.


YEA AL!!!! so sorry to hear about all your problems, glad to hear your doin swell..
begain of may, theres a lil biker rodeo down in Naco by the boarder at the Gay 90s (wierdest name for a bar everrr) Al if you ever ride down here let me know, the more notice the better so i can have off from work but id looove to ride with others, thats why im excited to finaly meet you and bret and brian pepper... i truely look forward to it.


look for this ace-hole on sunday


on this bike


he will be very excited to see you, his hel,et, jacket and underwear say SkEeTEr


See you guy's tomorrow!
The rain and cold will be moved out by tomorrow, so a perfect day in every way!
Plus the Triumph Demo Rides at Performance Cycle Center will happen tomorrow also. They cancelled todays demo rides 'cuz of the rain...
The new Tigers are awesome! 50% off instock Triumph items plus an extra 10% if your a RAT Member...
I picked up a great Triumph Team Blouson summer jacket for $39.25!
Link... http://www.performancecyclecenter.com/content.asp?page_id=1
Allin, aka "Flaco"...
"05 Bonnie "Goodwood Green Dancing Machine"
Skeeter, et al...You can't miss me!


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