The Starter Motor that wouldn't Start


American Infidel
I know, as my buddy MattRat already told me, that this is under warranty . . .

So this morning I pushed her outside and flipped the petcock, turned on the key, and pushed the starter button and she came right on. About 10 seconds later she died; not overly unusual for a cold morning without using the choke. I pushed the starter button again and it was dead. I checked to see if their was electrical power and that looked dead as well. I didn't have time to trouble-shoot it because I had to beat rush hour traffic so I rolled it back into the garage and put it back up onto the center stand. I turned the key on again and their was full power coming out of the headlight and idiot lights so I pushed the starter button again and it was dead. I jumped in the car and went to work and got so busy that I forgot all about it until just now.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller ?


Hmmm...I think I'd probe the safety switch on the side stand, kill switch, neutral switch, etc.


Two Stroke
check the five prong relay and fuse #9...if it did like mine I just dropped the relay on the floor (as opposed to using the Italian tuning hammer) and put it back in, replaced the broken #9 10 amp fuse and that was it.


bad motorcycle!

Wonder if you keep a battery minder on her? Perhaps give her a fresh charge and see if she perks up. My guess is that sometimes these modern electrical systems are so sensitive if you don't have full voltage/amperage they won't go. Even my s-10 died with a measured twelve volts on the battery but no battery, started right up. Perhaps enough to light lights, maybe a horn okay but the starter pulls some hefty amps to git going....
Barring that scenario what the others have suggested may be a factor.


Street Tracker
No Start

Cross the solenoid if it works- its the (a) switch. Start button? A lot of things. Start from #1 &move fwd. Something simple I am sure since it started 1st time. Could be a run down battery, but I doubt it unless you dont ride it much>? All will be cool! Mine pissed me off tonite (bike nite) cause it wouldnt hold an idle for 8 min! I think it may need an aircleaner element? Chech your battery terminals as well! & good luck.


American Infidel
Thx fellas - I'm going to take a look at all of this tomorrow. I have to believe that it is either the starter motor, solenoid or a fuse but now I'm gonna stick my face around the side stand switch since it was on that when it conked out even though it was in neutral. I'll get back to you and let you know what happens.


Blue Haired Freak
Yeah, start with the simple. Check the battery terminals and make them tight (I had this same problem, turns out the pos term was loose). Then look at all the fuses (but if it was a fuse, once it blows, it blows, so you wouldn't have intermittent).

Fr. Joe 07T100

Street Tracker
Thx fellas - I'm going to take a look at all of this tomorrow. I have to believe that it is either the starter motor, solenoid or a fuse but now I'm gonna stick my face around the side stand switch since it was on that when it conked out even though it was in neutral. I'll get back to you and let you know what happens.

You're welcome, Hedge, anytime I can help :)


American Infidel
God Bless you Fatha! Every Forum needs Spiritual Guidance and it is no coincidence that the Higher Power picked you of all of his warrior's to watch over us!

Fr. Joe 07T100

Street Tracker
You're absolutley right Hedge, glad i'm here to guide and protect. Hey, I installed some red "bling" brakes hoses with gold tips. Now my ride is pimped out. Shweeet!!!!:gsxr:
You're absolutley right Hedge, glad i'm here to guide and protect. Hey, I installed some red "bling" brakes hoses with gold tips. Now my ride is pimped out. Shweee.t!!!!:gsxr:

There's something inherently wrong about a Catholic Priest having a pimped out ride. I mean what's next? Gold chains & a Mac 10?
& I think this uniquely qualifies Fr Joe to be our Forum Chaplain.


well Hedge it started up so we can eliminate the kill switch, then it stalled and would not fire up? dead ignition? so your problems are ignition related obviousely so where do we go?
fuse blown
battery low also check terminals
starter motor
starter mtr relay
a short circuit ,faulty ignition switch ,faulty side stand switch,


TT Racer
you need to post some pictures of that, I was planning on swapping out to red with silver ends. How does it look?

sorry about the thread hijack, hedge. I just have to see those hoses!

Fr. Joe 07T100

Street Tracker
Sorry Hedge, Chaplain's privilege being used to hijack your thread, anyway, if you ain't got it figured out by now, you're hopeless... but i'll still pray for ya! :)

Ok, will do, will take some pics a bit later if I get a chance, busy saturday gearing up for all the cyners I'll be dealing with this weekend. I like the red, think it goes well with my black and red T100, but I must admit I sometimes share my father's same artistic downfall of "overkill". Will post and will be interested to see what the masses think.


Thanks, I'm sure that was a compliment! Very comfortable here, think I fit right in.....a little scarry :eeek: how in the hell do you spell scarry? scary, scarey, ah heck....a little frightening!