One of those "Life Changing" moments....or two...

Sal Paradise

A while ago I wrote about being nearly creamed at a big intersection near my house. Then I wrote about gas prices and the incredible number of cars on Hudson Valley roads now. That turned into this stupid political conversation about big oil and .. I don't even know.. Obamacare or some bullshit. The fact is - the traffic has since gotten even worse. Its like the freeking West Side Highwat at rush hour in my town! I live 60 miles north of NYC - 10 million people there plus half of Jersey will soon be "leaf peeping" on our roads in 4 ton SUVs while updating facebook. Also there is some demographic thing going on - its getting more amd more crowded here.

Its just too damn dangerous sometimes. That was the only reason I said there was some advantage to higher gas prices. Just gettiing some quality riding in my area, my situation. Not some political b.s.///We are literally being over run with city people here.
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Street Tracker
Then how many posts are you going to generate explaining that you are leaving motorcycling and telling everyone the unsafe nature of the hobby? It seems that your posts are intended to be persuasive rather than informative. Hopefully it is what you want and you are happy with it and you don't have to look back. All I know is that I don't go to a cigar forum and then start ripping up posts about smoking and that I can't do it because of the greater chance of lung cancer. I simply say goodbye and do what I have to do.

Not sure if you're talking to me since you didn't specify, but who gives a crap how many posts anyone makes about any topic?
This is a discussion, not a blog. You know, back and forth and all that.

Besides, never said I was "leaving motorcycling" (that's partly why I'm unsure if you were talking to me...) I only mentioned that I limit certain aspects of motorcycling that I think don't justify the risk:reward ratio for me. We probably all agree that motorcycling is supposed to be fun; riding in traffic or during bar-closing isn't fun, for me.

I really don't care if others commute on their bikes, do/don't wear helmets, do/don't smoke (cigars, cigarettes, crack, etc), do/don't lock their doors at night.
To each his own, I'm not here to persuade anyone about anything.

There's also a huge difference between ripping on smoking on a cigar forum versus talking about street smarts on a bike forum or safe shooting procedures on a gun forum.

For one specific example, a couple seasons ago on another bike forum a member posted about several nasty crashes that'd just happened on a local favorite road that were basically caused by a construction area right around a blind turn where the pavement was missing and there was 100' of loose pea-gravel. (County O off of WI-35 between Prescott and Hager City) That is a road several friends and I make as part of our usual loop when in the area, because of that discussion topic we were aware of the unposted hazard and rode accordingly.
(BTW, that spot has long been fixed, but at the time is was really bad.)



Cafe Racer
I think it only takes one post to claim the safety aspect and being there for your kids but obviously you wish to keep bringing attention back to it. Do what you want...I could give a shit and sing out to the others all you like. It's a free country and I don't have to leaf through this thread anymore either. It just gets old after the first post of your concerns towards motorcycling and family that you return post after post and keep hammering on.


I'm 63 years old, been down a few times, been hit a few times, even went down at Bennington this year
but I would surely "expire" if I didn't keep on riding


Street Tracker
I think it only takes one post to claim the safety aspect and being there for your kids but obviously you wish to keep bringing attention back to it. Do what you want...I could give a shit and sing out to the others all you like. It's a free country and I don't have to leaf through this thread anymore either. It just gets old after the first post of your concerns towards motorcycling and family that you return post after post and keep hammering on.

Well, you'll probably think this is more "hammering on", but in most discussion forums it is pretty much SOP to respond to posts made in your direction, if you don't like it that's your problem.