Motorcycle Lost In Japanese Tsunami Found In Canada


Cafe Racer
I think we are going to start seeing more things showing up on the other side of the pacific more and more. If the earthquake was the one-two punch, then it was the tsunami that was the knockout shot. Just the other weekend, our squadron had a good will get together with a local town less than 20 miles down the road and donated certain goods and toys for the kids with an American style bbq of hot dogs, hamburgers and frisbees. The people of that town are still living in community centers as the land is still getting surveyed so they can start rebuilding. That is only 20 miles down the road from where my house is and where my boys eat and sleep every night. I go to bed every night thankful for what I have after that quake last year.


Tang, glad you and yours made it out ok. What I think is neat about the harley story is that HD company is going to restore the bike and then have it returned to its owner it Japan.


Cafe Racer
Tang, glad you and yours made it out ok. What I think is neat about the harley story is that HD company is going to restore the bike and then have it returned to its owner it Japan.

I think a statistic that a lot are surprised by is that Japan is Harely's #1 importer of any other country. Their frame number is exclusive to them as well...5HD. I think it is bad ass that Harley is doing this as well. It is both the right thing to do and good business because of how much HDs are sold over here and the prices they pay for them! There are so many though that are not as lucky with their bikes but I think if HD did that, then they will soon be out of business because of the level of destruction.

This picture here was my inspiration during the entire Operation Tomadachi campaign where this tiny base I am at turned into the central hub for all of northern Japan. The picture just speaks to me that no matter how much you get slapped, you fight back and don't give in!


These pictures below were 15 minutes down the road from the base. Luckily the location of this base is on a high plateau of ground as the pacific is less than 10 minutes from the front gate.





Cafe Racer
That was a city named Hachinohe. A buddy of mine and I took a ride down there on our bikes almost three weeks after the quake and the country was restoring power. It was pretty eerie riding around on the roads and curving around large fishing vessels like that and then having to stop and turn around because a ship's anchor was running all the way across the road. The one sight that is sticking in my head right now are two city light poles that actually got braided together because of the power of the tsunami. This all happened within 20 minutes of my house on base where at the time, my three year old son and six month pregnant wife were out. It's hard to describe...


Cafe Racer
i cant get get over those pictures, theyre amazing

Hey man...I have some more for you then. These were taken during that first ride we had about three weeks after all hell broke loose. This is in Hachinohe, Japan which is very close to the base but I would like to add that there is NOTHING compared to what happened less than two hours south. The only real problem down in Hach was at the port...the city faired through it pretty good.

This video I took just because of how freaking creepy it was riding on something like this. Hard to imagine how much the water level had to rise to do this to the ship, especially considering the anchor line stayed attached the whole time.

I took this shot because it gives you an idea at the damage caused by the tsunami. It not only took out housing but it completely destroyed plumbing and water mains:


I found this photo odd because the building looks like it is surprisingly good condition but the ground underneath it literally washed away:


This might be hard to notice but look at the fence line...nothing straight about that anymore at all:


The same ship I video'd:


A different ship. I can't explain it but it was fucking creepy as all hell riding down there and seeing ships up on the road like that. One of the biggest feelings I had during all of this was how everything...buildings, power, people, boats, etc...everything was just out of sync and it could stay like that if we didn't dig in and fight:

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wooow tang, i dont wanna say this picturse are cool, because theyre not but theyre very interesting and make me think and wonder. thanks for posting these. its eerie seein ship sittin around like they were thrown toys


the bike showed up at a local Harley dealer Vancouver Island today


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Cafe Racer
I know there is a lot of shit talking with HD and I am guilt of it as well but good on them for hooking that dude up. Just looking at those pics and I can see that the guy had quite a few add on parts to his bike

Sal Paradise

I am curious if the motor turns over or if its just totally stuck. Same with the transmission. Just morbid curiosity I guess.

I have always said they make a quality bike and their finishes are especially high quality.


i just wonder how restoring it is gonna be. like if the motor is locked up. but its cool they say they will fix it for him, id think theyd just give him a new model and call it a day, that too would be cool.