sportyone - already have the clock bracket prototype built & powdercoated, turned out well, will post pics soon. I've seen and heard good things about clocks4bikes, but from a sales standpoint, formotion units likely outnumber them 1000 to 1... not to say I'd be unwilling to build a model that could use a clocks4bikes clock - certainly could and probably will at some point - but for now I'm going with Formotion clocks & therms.
Texas94fs - looking into fork mounted brackets for mini gauges, gotta get the new
stock gauge designs sorted first though. For sure, the stock Bonnie (non-adustable) cap is easier to work with than an adjustable cap... I'm still experimenting with the best way to get the vintage look I'm after and still allow complete adjustability using the thruxton-type fork caps... not there yet. Fabricating fork-cap mounted instrument brackets work with non-Triumph forks... doable but then really moves into the realm of the one-off custom...