Australian Riders Only


peter i have seen you in a movie called the LEATHER BOYS good acting you seem to be a natural, and enjoying it.


Hi guys I thought i better join your group. Not getting to much interaction in the Ratbags .
no one has responded to me in weeks :)
Hey I never realised that peops have actually joined this group, and messages have been sent. To be honest I have no idea how it works lol

To the Don "FUCK OFF ! YOUR PETE! :)
And Bongo Get yrself banned from Ratbags mate, its a badge of honour lol
Welcome Bluedes and CapitalT (love yr avatar) and tell us a bit about yrselves


Street Tracker
welcome Pete,David will officially welcome you when he check in (could be awhile ha ha)
Hi Pete
small world that you know Adonis. You know he is rehearsing at Bilpin every tuesday night (I think) for a play. Nice recruiting Tezz! We are officially the largest social group here. If those that found it return :)


Hi guys,
Skidmark or Skiddy to my mates here in Brisbane. Ratbags group seem to have gone private so no longer associating with them.
Red thrux and an anniversary Bonnie.


Street Tracker
hi greg and skiddy,welcome were up to 10 now and just getting started .there heaps more aussie out there ,just got to get to them.
Hi Greg, Austat and Hi skid. I actually know u from the old ratbags, mate. How you been?
Well we are by far the largest group thanks to tezza's efforts. I am in Sydney's west so very close to you Greg. What T/bird do you have 900 or 1600?