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  1. Flaco

    My eldest son's art...

    Enjoy his time lapse art video on GoPro…
  2. Flaco

    Tearful good bye...

    My boss just retired today after 35 years w/ the company… For 20 years and 5 days I had the privilege working for a good friend and a great boss… Enjoy your nest egg, relocation and take care of those two beatifull Percheron horses… And yes! Larry and I are the undifeated horse shoe...
  3. Flaco

    Triumph's in Taos!

    aka as Tit's! Sure beats me as the best Rally Iv'e attended in 40 years! 62 registered and a few stragglers… Would have loved to seen and met a lot of you NBR cats there! I was riding my best friends '99 T-Bird as my ride wasn't completed… The Kachina Lodge in Taos was perfect in every way...
  4. Flaco


    I have a lot of girl friends in my minds eye, however I'm leaning towards Charlize Theron right now… But the list goes on and on... This thread is like Babes w/o bikes… Make 'em SFW… (Probably a small pic but you'll get the idea)… I'm computer challanged…
  5. Flaco

    Concourse d'LeMons, Monterey...

    I enjoyed this when I stumbled on it today… More links, (Goggle it.) however here are some pic's… Pass the "Grey Poupon" Do we need an event for Concourse deLemons motorcycles? It would be one for a good laugh!
  6. Flaco


    Happy Birthday Nick! My youngest son is named Nick! He's a Bonnie Black rider!
  7. Flaco

    What's your bone head mistakes...

    Got to thinkin' 'bout it after another thread… What's your bone head mistake w/ wrenchin' on your ride? Mine: Disconnecting the TPS from the carbs rather the plug! Turn out good 'cuz I bought new carbs! Like my Dad used to say, "You live and learn, then you die and forget it all."
  8. Flaco

    Motorcycle shipping?

    Just bought another Bonneville and I may have it shipped 1200 miles rather than driving out to Topeka from Tucson to pick her up. I have done some preliminary research and I'm asking for suggestions for transport services. Anyone? It will end up costing me $300 in gas, plus food and lodging...
  9. Flaco

    BUB Speed Trials...

    BUB Trials are done at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Jim (Cereal KLR) did you make it this year? Must see your pic's and did you guys race? I wanted so bad to attend this year but a relapse w/ the big-C prevented me from completing my build. I was C-free for 9 months when she reared her ugly...
  10. Flaco

  11. Flaco

    Big Sid, RIP...

    For you that haven't seen this… (I like the diss @ 5:14 about OCC) Check out (Google) about Sid if your unaware… Many vids and info on his life and books… Pretty cool and humbling... Carry on...
  12. Flaco

    I did not know all about Steve...

    I enjoyed this video and I know there are a few Steve fans here. After all he was the "King of Cool" Here's a video and links for your enjoyment. On this 4th of July, remember one of our National Treasures…
  13. Flaco

    Cool video...

    Cool video… (15 minute) :lick: :brit_tit: I'll see you in my dreams...
  14. Flaco

    TVMR Show & Swap Meet...
  15. Flaco

    Cool Video...

    FYE… For Your Enjoyment… (I used to own a '65 TR5)...
  16. Flaco

    TVMR Show & Swap Meet...
  17. Flaco

    "Soft Tail Bonnie Bobber...

    Pic's of my "Soft Tail Bonnie Bobber" project as requested by a few NBR members... Long post's... Grab a Guinness... 1st pic) Here are some pic's of the build back in December... This pic shows it w/ an 18" rear rim... estimated top speed w/ gearing at 130-134 MPH ... Bubs is on my (bucket...
  18. Flaco

    Bonneville Garage Sale Post #1

    All items used unless otherwise noted... PayPal preffered... + shipping cost... Minor blemishes that will not be noticed by a "Galloping Horseman." Fabric Panniers... Left side clips tab's are broke however they latch just fine... $100.00 Rear Bobbed Fender (just above the reflector and under...
  19. Flaco

    AZ BIR CA Ride Video

    I missed this ride w/ my Phoenix buds! SHAKE & BAKE, ZOMBIE! Grab a Guinness and enjoy the 12:56 Video... :cheers:
  20. Flaco

    Stock rear wheel hub!

    Help! I'm in need of a stock rear wheel hub! No spokes. No Joke! No rim! Please help an old man out! I know all you Carrozzeria wheel dudes have a stock hub laying around just for me... Yes? Maybe no? Thanks, Allin...
  21. Flaco

    Bonneville / T-100 Top Yoke

    I'm looking for a stock Bonneville / T-100 top triple tree / yoke... Thanks! Allin
  22. Flaco

    Barn find ultimate!

    I knew about this auction last year... A co-worker bought a few license plates from this auction... Enjoy... Pee down both legs at once!;s-Ultimate-Barn-Find/
  23. Flaco

    WTB LH Outrigger...

    You know, the mount to swing arm and frame that the mid set peg bolts to... Thanks...
  24. Flaco

    WTB one tank badge...

    WTB one (or two) tank badges... Just need the Triumph insert logo... Know what I mean?