Recent content by MOSES

  1. MOSES

    Shinko 705's

    I'm on my 3rd set, 4 years later and LOVE em !!
  2. MOSES


    46 and sunny here. If I didn't have my little man, I'd brave the cold for sure !
  3. MOSES

    My first countersteering

    I'll stick to my post. I don't recommend a new rider go hitting the front brake while understanding proper countersteer. Brake before the turn, prepare, roll into the turn, and Twist out. 19 years on the street. Less reading and more riding ! LOL Be safe !:ride:
  4. MOSES


    Winters almost fully here so I'm back...Although I love riding in Utah (in the Summer) more than almost anything. I sure do miss the 10-11 month riding seasons in Texas !
  5. MOSES

    I'll show you mine if you'll show me your's! PICTURE THREAD

    Dunstall Replicas ! And thanks, she is a buckethead ! LOL
  6. MOSES

    I'll show you mine if you'll show me your's! PICTURE THREAD

    It's been a while so I'll throw some out there ! :up:
  7. MOSES

    Tracker handlebar on Bonnie?

    I have them right side up in these pics, about 3/4 of an inch clearance at full turn. and thank you !
  8. MOSES

    Tracker handlebar on Bonnie?

    Best one I could find from the top view.
  9. MOSES

    Tracker handlebar on Bonnie?

    I've ran them right side up and up side down and they work either way. I prefer them lower but my riding style and back like em up ! LOL the pic it the normal posish. I'm 5'11"
  10. MOSES

    Tracker handlebar on Bonnie?

    I rode sportbikes for years and the stock bars killed my shoulders and just wasn't the right position. I went with the M bars and I've never thought diff since.
  11. MOSES

    BMW's new retro

    I like it. Not retro but still a very slick bike ! Hey, I looks like it has a Thruxton seat and cowl on it ! LOL Good move for BMW motorcycles to broaden there lineup a little.
  12. MOSES

    Won't start - looking for ideas

    X4 on the pick up coil ! Same Issue here, right around 22,000 mile's.
  13. MOSES

    My first countersteering

    No problem ! :cheers:
  14. MOSES

    My first countersteering

    Its simple. if you wanna go left, push left. if you wanna go right, push right. If you wanna turn harder , push harder Throttle out ! and never hit the front brake in a corner... Congrats on the bike, They're a blast !
  15. MOSES

    You guys are going to like this

    Cool vid !