Recent content by Lulu

  1. Lulu

    CDI change on a 2002 Bonnie

    Hi Guys, In my introduction post last year, I told you i was about to change the Triumph CDI for a TTP fire starter. It took longer than expected as these little things are f.. expensive but now i now it was worth it. My Bonnie is a 790 with around 15000 miles, that I had slightly modified with...
  2. Lulu


    Thank you Guys. I will keep you posted once the CDI is changed (and tested).
  3. Lulu


    Hi Everyone, Happy to be here. I own a 2002 Bonnie with very few changes, KN filter and Toga pipes. I also added a small tacho. I found the forum while searching the net for some Procom and TTP advices, as my CDI is currently getting me mad with intermittent power losses (all other possible...
  4. Lulu

    Good Day to You

    Good Day to You