Recent content by BobM

  1. B

    The German....

    That was very interesting. Thanks for posting.
  2. B

    Big Blue!!!!!

    Congrats, I was wrong, Pats got on bus for long sad ride home.
  3. B

    Big Blue!!!!!

    Good looking family you have. You'll have a nice looking wife's shoulder to cry on when the Giants climb on the bus for along sad ride home.
  4. B

    New Airman in our Familly!!!

    Good for him, you obviously are very proud. He signed up for 6 yrs to get the A1C out of basic. They'll go by fast. The 20 did for me. Tell him to try getting on the HC-130's for Air Rescue or Spec Ops. Best duty he will ever have.
  5. B

    Day in/out Boot Recs

    Red Wings 1105 and 1125 Pull ons
  6. B

    Day in/out Boot Recs

    Red Wings 1105 and 1125 Pull ons
  7. B


    Great film, God had to be holding him in his hands to make it thru that crash.
  8. B


    Hope everyone has a safe & Happy Christmas this year. I gonna fire up the smoker about 0700 toss in a couple ham halfs, and take the bonnie out for a short morning ride. Get home in time to add some lump charcoal & soaked apple and cherry wood and go for another short ride. Stay safe on the...
  9. B


    I am sorry to hear of your loss. May the 46 years of cherished memories help ease your pain.
  10. B

    Veterans Day

    Thank You to all who have served and all who are presently serving. BobM USAF 1973 1994
  11. B

    I'm a Dad!

    Congratulations on the birth of your son. For the next 20 years you will not have any disposable income, and you will be happier than you ever thought possible. I always say that my kids are the best thing that ever happened to my life. Watching him smile at you for the first time or blow...
  12. B

    RAF bike

    You did a Beautiful job on that bike, anyone looking at it can tell it was a labour of love.
  13. B

    Rant about cage drivers...

    Great read and OH SO FUCKIN TRUE. But it's not just the cagers. Here I find it the most dangerous going thru road work area's were there are cones narrowing the roadway. Most drivers feel it is there right to speed up in the lane that is narrowing to get in front of as many other vehicles as...
  14. B

    The Stanley Cup

    They may not be the "Big Bad Bruins' of old but they got the job done. Wish they could have done it when Cam Neely and Bourque were with them, but a win is a win is a win. Right after the time ran out my nephew called: Uncle Bob they won, they finally fuckin won. He's only 28, grew up in a...
  15. B

    Really messed up weekend

    Don't beat your self up for not looking in earlier, it will do no good for you or your family. Be thankful you were the one to find him and not someone else that may have taken advantage of the situation. Unfortunately there are heartless people. I'm sorry for your loss, friends are hard to...