Bad news....


One of my kitties Jesse was suffering from total kidney failure....

I'm just back from the vet having had him put to sleep.....

I'm heartbroken, but he is at rest now, and no longer in pain :angel

Our final picture, looked pretty well, he was seriously ill.




Mighty sorry to hear that Ace, you must have loved him a lot, we've got ten cats here and love em all to's always sad when one goes to kitty heaven....hopefully you have plenty of pictures to remember him by...


Ace, sorry to hear of it - good pic, looks like he was a cool kitty. RIP jesse

kinky stunt

Street Tracker
Sorry for your loss, Ace. We had to put our 19 yr. old kitty down last year, that ride to the vet was tough. Someone told me it was the ultimate gesture of love. I have to agree.


My heart goes out to you,
to some, their just a pet,
to others, they are a part of the pack.

A poem called "The Rainbow Bridge "
helped me.
Nice lookin cat. I'm dreading the day my cats health fails. He's actually got a heart condition, of all things, and will only live to 5 years or so. We're at about 4 now. Pretty depressing.

Sorry man. The good ones always leave a mark.

Oil Burner

Sorry to hear that. Losing a pet is sometimes worse than a human relative.

I had to put down my 13 year old pooch a couple months back, and it broke my heart. I know your pain all too well.



Sorry about your cat. You obviously got a good heart Ace and I believe you and Jesse were lucky to have each other. Thanks for letting us know.


Ace--Jesse looks just like our 19 year old cat that we had put down last year for the exact same problem. I had a huge lump in my throat when I took him to the vet, but it was/is for the best. Thanks for sharing and R.I.P. Jesse.


Sorry you lost a friend.
Pets sort of grow on you even if they do not particularly like you.

An example is my wife's cat Zip, he adopted us and is truly her cat. He does not like men ( we are pretty sure he was abused as a youngster) but he tolerates me. Even comes around if the food bowl is low or just to mark me for a later death LOL

I would miss his company if he were gone.