Sold my bike.


Street Tracker
are you gonna start acting like a douche now?
No. (Is that required?)

howcum ya had to sell her?
I'm not working yet so I sold it in case nothing comes by wintertime, when it would be next to impossible to sell. Just a buffer thing.
I can always get another bike.


Ricky, gotta be a tough decision but you did the right thing... plenty of
good used Bonnies will be out there... I'd do the same
if push came to shove re $$ - and in all this uncertainty, it
could - and you made a move before it came to that, so good on ya & hope you got a decent sale out of it.


As a fellow guy who has had to sell a bike or two under duress, I can sympathize. But....hang out here and maybe get some yayas through osmosis.!!